Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S a c r. I II I. O fRegeneraticm 123 his care, in the mídit of all his pomp and glory, memento to hominem efe, Re.. *ember those *t 's m's. But doe thou in the midi' of all thy outward comforts fay tothyfoul, (Memento to peecatorem effe; Yea, norfo mucha uinnee is frnne it feif. Yfe x. Of Inflntftion. What is the reafon, men that are of ingenuous, fair, Oft and juil converfation, have fo muchquiecnelfe, peace and confidence, as if all were well? The firft rife of their miftake, is their inlenftblenelfe and ignorance about originali defilement, did they know how all that they account good and excellent, is indeed abominable and filthy; how would they (land aloof off,crying out, they are unclean, unclean ; and certainly if men regenerated fpeakof their good u pi- ons, which have indeed fome crue good that they are menflruous cloatha, dung, and droffe; whatought not you to think of an externall righteoufnelfe? O confider, that Regeneration is not onely neceffary, becaufe aman liverhin luth and fuels grolle impieties, but becaufe he bath a defiled nature; and therefore un- Ielfs you civili men, good natur'd men, be born againas well as Publicans andHar- lots, ye cannot enter into the Kingdomeof heaven. Do not then look upon force prophane and horrid wretches, faying, I wonder this Sermon Bothnot Work upon them,I wonder they doe not become new men, it is Itrange how they can hear theftthings and be as theyare ; but rather wonder at thy ownfell, and finite on thyown thigh, and be amazed to confider, why thou dollnot think of becom- ing new. oft 3. Of Exhortation. Is Corruptiontheground of the neceflity of Rege- 7Jfa 3^ negation,then fee thislatter extend as far as the former ;corruption is in thy mind, thy judgetnent,thy intentions, aswell as in bodily aftions, thereforelet Regene- ration be alfo extended thither; we mull not onelyhave a new life, and a new con- verfation, but alto a new heart andfpirit. The very fpirit mull be fanftified as well as the foul ; thechoifeft intelleetuallpart of a man, as well as his fenfitivepart. The Scripture calls flefh not onely the bodily finnesof a man, but the affirms of his foul, pufedupin hieiefhl minde, (peaking of falle woríhip : fo Idolatry, and Heretics are made thefruitof the flefh as well as external) impiety. This is tobe confidered by thofe who judge grolle and abominable opinionsno great crime or fault' No, the Apeftle faithof all tholeenumerated vices, Gal. ç. rg. where in- relleftuall finnes are amongothers, They that doe filch things (halt not inherit the Kingdom ofHeaven. Therefore we may fayan I-leretick needs cooverfion as well as a prophane perfon : And a manmay difcover he isaflefhly unregenerate man as well by force O;anions andDaftrines, as by force corrupt converfations, SE