AI! 226 Of Rege»eration. S]tCr.-IIII; plicities; but this will prove tobegold and (jiver, when theother will be only hay and flubble. 3 Thirdly , Although this life bea rare:hidden láfe, yet many things abontitare to be demonflrated. Evenas about the winder, althoughthere be fevers.] opinions a- bout the Original of them, and we may in the general fay, they arife out of the Eaft, or Weft, tic. But thepunEtual particular Original of them we cannot fo it is in the work ofregeneration ; The caufe from whenceit is, is God, Vnáfi a man be born ofthe fpirit, &e, So the Orthodox declare the manner in the general , that its irrefiffably wrought in usby an infuperableefficacy of Gods fpirit, and althoughit be hard to fhew the particular mannerhow thegrace of Godderermineth the wit, and changeth theheart , yet that this is done is veryapparent , and the Scripture makes it very clear; and theconfideration of this maybridle our underftandings, and make us lober, that we do not curiouflypry into things ; for if uponthe utmolt enquiry we cannot tell our natural conception and making, much kfs may we ap- Wherein this prenend this fpiritual making.We come therefore in the next place to (flewwhere- new life is fe- in thislife is fo unexpreffible; for we conceive this affertion ofour Saviours , like cretf and unex- that, Our life is hid with Chrill in God Col. 3. 3. The workof grace though it be pre(fiblC admirable and wonderful , yet it doth not incur into the knits : and this is that which makes many (o Atheiiiical,and fcornful about thework of Gods fpirit inus. They either deny there is fuch a thing,or they judge thefe things delu(ionsand fan- cies, or the complexionofmens bodies:but as wedo believe wehave a foul,though we cannot fee it; that there is a wind, though cur eyesperceive it not; that there is a God, though no mari bath feen him at any time : fo it may certainly bedemon- [tracedthat there is fach a work of regeneration, though we perceive is not with ourbodily eyes : and this is neceffarily tobe preffed ; for the more weare affured that there is fuch a thing, and that every one who would be raved, muff have it, then we (hall makethe greater enquiry into this, whether we have it or no. The fecretnefs therefore of thisnew life is feen, i. Fitft, In thole travels, andagonies elan!B'hieb commonly ie goeththrough With er'egrace beformed, The fpirit of God doch convince of fin, and cao(eth,bondage in the heart r we hear forcecrying out, What hallwo do tobePaved? Foralthough a man be in this work ofregeneration altogether pallive, yea obflinare and rebelli- ous, therefore compared unto a [tone, and a dead man ; yet inother refpedsGod works in us fucably to reafonable men,by enlightningour undetltanding, byopen- ing our eyes to feeour mifery that we are under ; as Diveswhen hiseyes was open, ed,fsw he was in hell,which made him cryout for eafe : fo there perceive them- (elveseven dropping irrecoverably therein, and thereupon they cry out, Whatthat' we do tobePaved? When there is this difcovery in theheart, thenthere are commò- Lions, and Earth- quakes in the foul. Now cometo any natural man,fpeak ofthere pangs and troubles of the foul, he knoweth not what they mean, heunderftands not the meaningofthem: as fob raid tohis miferablecomforters, Wouldyourfouls were in myfonlrflead,thenyou would feel What thatwormwoodand bitternefr is which Idoundergo: fohad thy foulbeen ever in thofe depths ofGod , then thou wouldit haveknown what it is tobe in a fpiritual travel. TheApoftle (peaking of the groanswhichGods fpirit worketh in hischildren, he calls themgroant unutterable,Rom. 8. fo are thefe fighs unuttera- ble, bitternefs, and pangs unutterable. It is true, theft commotions of the foul are not fo remarkable in fome, as inothers,neither are chefe things felt alike in all. But there is in every one a ¡crate and feeling ofhis undoneefface, and hunger and chide after righteoulnefs : now in all thefe things be is a man ina myftery to the natural man : thefe things are tranfaeted fecretly in a mans heart : examine therefore thy Pelf s Haft thou ever been a man thus affected, thusexercifed ? bath the fpirit of God convinced theeoffin? bath thy heart been loadedwith fin ? bath the Law difcoveredfin ? bath everything beenasif turned into blood 3 As Stephen tawhea- venopening to receive him,fohaft thou as it were hell opened todevour thee,bere am