S a c T. _I MI. I. Of Regenerstiota. 2 27 are the beginingsof a new birth ; not as if regeneration lay inthefé, no, Howma- nyhave felt forrow, terror, yet have proved abortives ? but in many of Gods chil- dren, this is introduetory, and when happily compleated, thefe fears and troubles are mingled withmuch faithand confidence : God bath laid to thy foul, as well as of the womanstravel, Inforrow 'bait thon conceiveandbringforth. Secondly , eA's thefegroans after God and hisfavours are hidden, fo the principles fromwhence theyare enabled, areWholly invif61e, and that not only to thebodily. eje at to the mentaleyeof anatural man. Acarnal man cannot think that any man doch any thing in reference toGod , but upon carnal and worldly lei f-principles Thus the Pharifees,tbeycharged Chrift with vain glory,andhis own kindred would have him do hismiracles more pu5lickly, that he might be externally advanced : they judged ofChrift likethemfelves : 7ohn7.3 4. Theydid all things fromworld- lyprinciples, and fo they conceived Chrill. The A foftlecalls this work of Grace, The inner man. The gloryof aCbri.lianis within ; heprayeth outwardly, but his gldryiswithin; he heareth with the outward ear, but his glory is within : It is the inner man, which is the root and the fountain ofall his external ádions : now as the rootof the tree is hidden,and the fpringbead hard to be found ouc;fo it is here; from what inward principle it is that thou art carried out to do the things God commandeth is wholly to b; fought, into, The Pharilees did againft their own con - lciences blafphcmoufly make it a doubt, by what power he did thofe wonderful things i but we may upon good grcund ask,By whom dolt thou pray ? draft thou heat? Is it feomGods holy fpirir ailingand enablingof thee?Or is it fromthy own corrupt principles and luggeaions; and this is that which comfortsa godly man againft all thofeaccufations ofHypocrifie, which the sv orldcafie;hupon them. Thirdly, As theirprinciples, fo the(copeandintention ofthe whole man in their cow. verfation, ie very hiddenandferret, theybeingcarriedout towards God, becaufe ofhis excellency, andglorioue fulnefi. David, how often doth heprofefs hisjoy in, and loveofGod ? How doth Panlprofefs his delight in the Law ofGod in the inward man, and that becaufe it is fpiritual? ThePharifeeslofe the acceptance of all their performances, becaufewhat they did, they Aid tobefeesof men. It is true, Hypocri- fie is hidden alto, and the cotrupt intentions of wicked men are alfo ferret : There is the hidden darknefs ofwickednefs in a mans heart; but thefe fincere inten- tions ate ferretand admirable ina further fenfe,becaufe the heart ofa,naLure I maa; cannot doany thingupon fuch pure grounds : his eye is dark, and therefore his whole body is dark alfo. As the earth cannotafcend upwards, becáuie ofits dente and heavy nature fo neither can the heart ofa man afcend to high, as to dò things for God; unlefs regenerated. Nowuntil a man do things upon thefe pure motives he can have no true demonftrationofgrace in his fodl. Fourthly, The joyesandconfolations whicharegenerated man oitaineth in his coterie ofa i iritteallife, arefueh ga a natural man alfo esnder$andeth not. Thou bail put moregladnefs intomy heart, faith David,thenthey have bad when their (vine andoylencreafeth, Kahn. 4. It is called therefore teleakablejoy. Thusgroans are unutterable,and joy is unfpeakable ; a ftranger in termedk th not with their joy What an hidden and ferret thing is this, That they fhoeld take the fpoyling of their goodsjoyfully, That they fhould in the midi} of the molt furious and violent deaths,tryumph with joy:How unconceiveable are chefs things to flefh andblood? As therefore Chrift maid, Ihaveothermeat to eat of, thenye knew;fo they have other comfort and delight to take, then a natural man perceivethoft were it not thus, How could it venture through all thofedifcouragements that are in theWay tohea- ven ? Howcould it endube in the wildernefs, ifthis Manna were not provided for him ? As poor, yet makingmany rich; as having nothing,yet poffefling all things The fupply and proyifronwhich God treafurethupin hisfoul, is that which makes him wonderful : Oh thereforewhat enemiesare all natural men unto their own peace and happinefs? It is not a life ofGrace to havetithes, honours,orgreat fuc- refs in this world , but to have the favour of God, and his love flied abroad in Gg a their