232 of Regeaer,on. SE cT.1111. bingWishuntemperedmorter, which when a flan comes fais all the again, and fo whenGods terribleanger !ball arife, all that falfepeace will tum- ble to the ground ; both the falfe teacher, and he that receives the falfe peace and comfort will fallinto thepit together. Andhence it is an heavy judgement to live under ungodly and prophane Minihers, who ufually pour oil into all wounds tell everyman that is lickor dying, his condition is good ; but what faith Patel, If I fGauldplvafe men, IWerenot thefervant of Chrift, Gal.t.ta. that is, pleafe men in a finfulway, givecontent to them in their fins ; fo that as in anyoutward fickneffe or Jaffe it is a grievous fin togo to the Devil and to Wife men, as ye call them ; TheProphet feverely rebuked the Kingof Ifrael, andtold him, his childe thouId die, and raid, Is it not becaufe there is no Godin Ifrael l Its to denythe trueGod, and to make theDevil your God ; fo in foul- troubles to go to thofe loofe teachers, whowill proclaim peace to you, is to make all your furrow, and all your travailfor fine invain. Choofe therefore a godly and wife Phyfician for thy foul infuch cafe, and fay, Give me one, not that will flatter me, but informme impartiallyabout my fins. 4. When men 4. Men may be introubleforfinnyyet mifcarry, Becaxft of inordinate dejetlioa inor are ay derRed ate and blackglair. Thisisnot fo ordinary, men being for the molt part prefum- ptuous, and there are few loch fitness as the ineeflsoue pertn, whom the Mini- fiers andptople of Godmull comfort, left theybe overwhelmedwith defoair; yet Pam was thus undone. As Rachel died in bringing forth of children; fo theft are damned in thofevery forrows and fears they have about (line. God therefore whocommands a foul to grieve for finne, and tocome out of the pit of iniquity, Both alto command thefame foul to believe and Peek for cafe inChrift. We muff indeeddefpair utterly in our lelves, but notof Chrill, and the ignoranceof the acèeptableneffeof faith unto God, andbowwel- pleafsng it is for the humbled foul to rely onChrif, keeps many of Gods children longer in the dark womb then they would. Iofomuchthat it is a mercy of mercies in thole fpiritual a- gonies, to be direlled into the way of believing. Thus you fee that all pain and trouble wrought in the womb of the foul, doch not neceffarily in- ferre that there ought to bejoy, becaufe a mamchildeof Grace is beta in the heart. a. There may A fecund fort, which mifcarry in this new Birth, may be filed Embryoei, be Embryoes Such Who have force initial and preparative Workings upon their heart, but they of preparative die in the Wilderneja ere the come to Canaan. Andchc may be reduced to thefe workingswieh Jl ? Y Y out,foc.. heads. When fear Fief, TholeWhobyfearare kept in their duty, andbecaufe theyare afraid of Gods keeps men in judgement, therefore theyforbear finne, andperform the duties required of them.,. This Rom.h. is called, The#irit ofbondage. The Spiritof God worketh fuch a difpofitioninthem, though not the finfulnclleof it, thatthey are keptfrom fin, as the Wolfor Lion are kept from their prey, who otherwife would greedily de- vour it. This is called by Divinesfervilefear, and although a man while he go- ethno further is but an hypocrite, yet Augufiine compareth this fear to the Needle that drameth in the threed, it isintroductory fometimes by the blefling of God, of a more excellentway ; and inthis refpeec there is a neceffity of the Ma- gifrate and the fword to repreffe evil men, Ifthom deftill, beafraid,. for he bear- eth tart thefmordiro vain, Rom.13. for howfoever this external force Both not fweeten.and alter the nature, yet byoutward refrainingof them, they may at loft becomefinfsb,le of finne, and infeed of lavingit for fear, afterwardsfor- fake it forlove; As.Paul rejoyced the Gofjtel Waspreached, Whetherfor love or otee of envy ; So the Minifternof Godare to bleffeGod, men are refrained fromout- ward wickedneffe, whether,it befrom fear or love, although it will nor be com- fortable or foul-Paving to thole, who.doit only from fervile and favilh fear. Let not men therefore think they have a lure fignof this new Birth within them., if they