234 of Regeneration. Ss o r. obflruftthos and pull-backs -in the way , that they prefently give over. Balsam (thoughwe donot conceive ofhim, as in a preparatory way tograce, yet) he wi$beth he mightdie thedeathof the righteous; and thusCome cried to Chrift, Lord evermoregive us of thisbreadout ofa confufed appetite ; thefe are like the fiug- gard that defireth, but yet pulleth not his hand out of his bofom, therefore his defire israidtokill him. In thisrank alfoyou may have many who have inward wifhes and defires, Oh that theywerefuch in whomGod delighteth ! Oh that they might not only die thedeath, but live the lifeofa righteous man. Thus they deliire, but fometimes carnal friends, husbands, neighbours, they throw water onthefe Iittlefparks, andprefently put out all, or elfe their worldly imploi- mento, andearthly bufineffes they freeze the heart, and make it fenfieffe, or elfe their own fiuggi¡hneffe and dulneffe choaketh that good feed in them. Therefore donotthink all is lure, becaufe thou fayeft, though I be thus and thus, yet 1deflre todo otherwife. Oh here maybe a dangerous delufion ! Thy defires may be thy ruine ; for if thou only defireft, and there is no further pro- greffe, thou relief} in thydeliires, andthee produce no reali operations, they will prove but cobwebs to thee intime ofdanger. There is indeed a pofition of Divines, That thedefireof Grace is Grace ; as hunger and thirfi argue a man isalive, and the promueof being fatisfied is made co the hungry and thir[ly, but chofe defires are fpiritual, firong, ronfiant, efficacious, and produce migh- ty operations; compared therefore to hunger, which will break [lonewals to get fome food. Do not therefore tumble in this pit of defiruElion, many have fuffered fhipwrack at this Rock, laying, Theydeflre to goe to Heaven, They deflre topleafe God ; but if thy defire were earneft and powerfull, it would put thee upon the ufe ofall the means, that lead-thee to fuck_a blef- fedend. Notwith[landing the fiuggards delire to ear, yet his fieldwas growne over with thorns and thifiles, andfo though thou defireft Heaven, yet thy life remay is the broad way to Hell. . beabTorhec'he, as A third fort of thofe who mifcarry in this new Birth , are Abortives, fads to an appear- who come not to their maturity. Now although it betrue, That in the true lifeof ing life of Grace there cannot be properly any Abortive, and where the life of Grace grace, never bath, once been, though in the leal degree, that is an immortal and incorro- coming in ma- ptible life, yet we may call them Abortives,. becaufe feemingly in their own ra `Y' judgement, and toall others they hadthe life of Grace, but yet it comes to no true ripeneffe in them; Their Profeflìon , their Duties, are wilde Grapes. Thefe are denoted in the third kinde of bearers, in whom the feed came up, and there was Fruit, butfaith the Teat they did not 7rs1toiN,, They did not bring that fruit to perfeflion, to ripene(fe. Thus Chrift tels the Church, Be didnot finde her works perfeH, Revel.,. There wasmuch outward appear- ing goodneffe, butthey were not folid, perfeet works. Thy Duties are ripe, when all that four juyce and bitterneffe is excofled, when they are not done out of Formality, Cufiomarineffe, Hypocrifie, when they are done from right Principles , in an holy manner, and to holy ends. So chat thy Frdfeffîon, thy Family Duties, and all thy externall Demonfirations of Grace, do not prove any thing, unleffe they be ripe, and unleffe Grace be predominant in them, though they cannot be done without all droffe. But path not God in his Providence ¡hewed what our Humiliations and Profefiions have been to him, in the very fruit of the Trees, and the Corne of the Ground, nothing kindely ripes, but waterith, and fo not ma- king wholefome or pleafantfood for the fufienance of man. Truely even fuch hath our Righteoufneffe, our Reformation been, and that under his Judge- ments. Our Prayers, our FamilyDuties, our folemne Affemblies have been full of corrupt bitterneffe within. As that Body cannot be found, though it may appearnever fo well that bath inward vital! Difeales ; fo let thy outward conver-