236 ofRegenereetieh. SE c r. ItÌÌa Beth out in the practice of many External! things God never commanded. So it is here. Thus many havebeen troubled for finne, 'found great burdens tip. on them, andwhat have they done? Betook themfelves to fome Monaflerye of tided themfelves with many penitentiakl Chaftife'nieuts lying on the Ground, feeding on Herbes,d.c. This was to mifcarry in the Exceffe ç God bath not requiredfuch things, and we are tomanifelt Mir Humiliation, our Re= penance only in fuch wayes, andafter fuch a manner as Godhimfelf bath corm. manded. Ufe. Of Exhortation ante all thofe who make any pretence to Religion , that they would take heed of fuch Soul-Jwifcarrieges. As they fay of bodily Mif- carriages, They may endanger ever having a perfect Childe afterwardst So the Soul that bath been often in pangs and trouble for finne , yet bath come out again, without any Refármation, and this done feverall tunes, it faileth out very rarely thatever fuch come to any maturity in Godineffe; Confider whether thy Mifcarriages are not in the DefeE?, for fo the molt are. Doth the Word, though it, convince' thy judgement, yet make thy Converfation holy? Thou haft the Name of a Chriflian, but the life Of an Heathen, ora Pagan ; What a monfirousCompofition is this ? If therefhould be a foul of a beaft in the body of a man, to informe it , the outward linea, mentsof thebody would not make him a man; for it's the foul that giveth the Specification, andDenomination. Thus it is here, Thou haft the body of a Chrifiian, whenthy outward life is conformable to his Law; but the foul as it were of a Beaft, when thy heart is fattened to any finne, and thy Affe- &ions glewed topleafures. Efpecially look to this, you who have at any time found great pangs and troubles of Confcience for finne. Oh thy heart bath been in fuch fears, terrours, that thou needeft Minifter after Mintier to pour oyl in thy wounds ! Oh where are all thefe ? What is become of them ? Why haft thou be_unne in the Spirit, and ended in the fde/h? As thou art a Manlier indeed, fo thou fhouldft be in thy own apprehenfion, and to thy own fell.' O Lord, I amafhamed to lookonmy felf, to think on myfell, I am fo mifIhapen, I am fo foul a Beaft I ItIttltAttItttlt*ItItt'rttt SeANION.