S a c r. III Ì. ofReséneraádn. ì;g called, whichhave the name andexternal priviledgesofthe fonsof God,even few of them will be Paved, ;. Therefore thereare fons by realSay5íigcation, as *elleu federalrelation ; and fan3 As y Text tbefe are thofe whom our Saviourmeaneth in the x, and towhom the inhe- ritance ltified. trnl oftheKingdomof Heaven is promifed. Eaptifmtherefore , and the Sa- craments do not make you IonsofGod , it is this inward work of a new Na- ture. Theft things prefuppofed, let us confider as I promifed, How the font of Cod are edified? a, ByDuty. And then 2. By priviledge. By Amy t Fielt, The.yhave the Affeli'ionsof a fog in holy fearand reverence : If 1.B):`111 ce, I be aFather , where ismyhonour, faithGod, Mal. I,6. Ifwe are to honour our f`a'ngüe a$cíticns in earthly Parents, who give as onely ( and that but inftrumentally neither ) a bo- holy fear, dilybeing,how much rather ought we with an holy feartodeport our felves before him , who is fuch an Omnipotent Father, and hath other challifements even upon the foul andheart, which earthly Fathers have nor. Now this filial fear is an excel- lent bridle& check toall that wanconnefs and'infolency we many times run into, through our Fathers goodneffe and kindneffe ro us There is a fervile mercinarÿ fear, and thereis a Filial ingenuous fear : the firft is unworthy and unbefeeming thefonof God, but the fecondisa requifitecondition. Obferve then thyfelf: If Mount a Son of God , What holy trembling and fear will be upon thee in all thy approachesto him ? HisWord, his Ordinances will caufemuch inward reve- rence and lowlineffe of heart inthee : Earthly parents arenot Omniprefent, and fó, cannot be everywhere with their fons, whichimboldens them todo many things which they would never do, iftheir parents didbehold them, nay they would not for a world their father:ever thould come toknow them.faco6schildren when they had committed that horrible afton theirbrotherfofeph,all theircarewasto hideit from their Father:but nowGod is a Father everyWhere prefent;he is all Eye,There is nothing done inficeret, batthy FatherTeeth it. There is no heart-pride, no heart- earthlyneffe,but thy Fatherteeth it: There is never a time thou prayeft, hearefithe word , but thyFather teethwith what frame of Spirit it is. Oh therefore it thou art a SonofGod,thou wilt difcover it in thywhole carriage: is Son fearechthe frownsof hisFather; I dare not do this; myfather will beoffended ; and I,Whi- ther fhall I go ? Thus the Apoflle Peter, Ifye call himFather, pafreyourfoloarning herewith fear, I Pet .I. 17. Secondly, The Affehlions ofSons are feen in a patientfubmifon to alhis cha- s.In fubmifi- ffifements, fir who may betterafjiiEÉ thee, then a Father? Whom I love, I chaflen, on to chailifer faith God : And the Apofllearguethl rongly from the lefie to the greater, If*e meats. fiferoar earthly Parentsaftertheflefb toehafife, howmuchrather the Father o f ff i- rirs, Heb. I2.9. He is a Father of our Ipirits, and fo hemay chaftife us in them: fill us with darkneffe,tadneffe, trouble, and grief of foul. Now this confideration would greatlyquietthe waves and winds which are ready to rife up in us. What is the ground of allour impatience, difcoatent, and trouble againfi Gods difpenfa- tions ? Is it not becaufe we look not upon him as fo wife, and fo potent a Father? Whocan do it better ? Can the Artificer knowwhenhis gold hathbeen enough in thefurnace, and he will not let it flay a moment longer : and (hall not Godknow when he hash chattifed thee enough If thou hadlla Child-like difpofition, thou would'' fay, although all I feel bebitter, yet he is a Father (till. I have been an ill Child , and this makes him a Good Father in chaff ifrng. Thirdly , Tie*Ilion, of a Son are teen in being carriedont in all our siedi. 3,In obedience ence to himfrom an inward fweetprincipleoflove. Inthis fenfe they are,faid,Becaufe flowing from they are thefans ofGod, they arenot under the Law. Not as if theLaw Were not a lore; rule tothem , but onely they are earryed out to obey it from a fountain of' love t camas a dutiful child will obeyhisFathers commands,althoughhe had noefface, or