240 of Regeneration. ' SE e r. I I I I or great inheritance to give him. And thus it ishere , Though there Wereno Hea- venor glory tobellow upona regenerated perfon , yet he bath that principle of love which would perfwade him toobeyGod. Thus the Apoftle , At many as are led6y theffririt,are thefont ofClod, Rom. 8. 14. Suchwho have the fpiritof God renewingtheir natures,and fo guiding themby the word to their duties, theft are the fontof God t Not that it is unlawful for a childof God to have an eye to the reward: for it is Paid ofMefis,Hehadan eye to the recompence ofreward,Heb.r r.z6. The greekword fignifieth a fixed intent eye : and every amormwcedie, is not met. cenariue , every loveof a reward is not mercenary , unleffe it be wholly and a Joy andde- totally for this , being ioyned with no love to God at the fameprefent. light in duties.- Fourthly , HisaffeElions are feen in hiejoy anddelight in all thole denies whereby he may have commnnion with him. Cohn 8. He that is of God, hearetb his word. A Son delights tohave lettèrs from his Father, tohave difcourfeabout him,efpecially ro enjoy his pretence. Tritely. we havecommunion With the Father, faith the Apo- ftlefohn : Oa then, What a difcovery is this of thy funlhip? How artthouaffeas cd inpraying, ±n hearing, in aU religious duties ? They are a conftant burthen and trouble to thee ; thisargueth thee tobe no fon of God. Let not therefore vain de- lufions carry thee afide : It is not thy coming to Church, thy [landing within Gods Courts, that demonftrates thee tobe of God, but it is an heavenly and fpiritual joy in thefe approaches. Doth faith work llrongly inGod as a Father ? Doth that improove with much fweetnefs this relation, and hereupon thy foul be enlarged in much fervency of this (pine ? This is tobe the Son of God. Even as the Angels which in lob are called , The SOLI of God; with much alacrity and joy delight in Gods pretence. 5. Inhatted of Fifthly,Tke Sots of godmanifefis himfoIfinhie hatred andoppofitionuntoallfn;For fin. every creaturealleth according to its kinde; the Lamb according to the nature of a Lamb : and thus becaufehe is born of God, headeth accordingto a Divineprinci- ple ,'That at god o ',God ofparer eyes ibex to behold iniquity, Hab. r, fo heis of a purer heart then tolove and delight in fin. He that ifborn of godftnttñnot, neither indeedcanhe, becanfe thefeed abidethin him, t fobn 5.18. All men are divided into theft tworancks (faithe/:ußin) they are 'either FslüDei , or Fuli Diaboli; The SonsofGod, or the Sons of the Divel : Now their works will nranifelt them. Art thou a man afraidoffin, carefully ft tidying toavoid it in thy whole life ? Haft thou nomore accord with ir, then light bathwith darknefle? And (ofor wicked men; Thou haft no love to their company or conned; thouhateft them with a petted hatred ; thou canft withno more love anddelight be with them, then the Dove a- mongJays, or the Lambamong the Wolves,then thou haft a lure fign of a Son of God ; But ifon the contrary, thouare prophane in thy life ; thou lovefl thefe that livediffo'utely; men that damn, (wear, and prophane the Sabbath; thou art fo far from havingthy righteous foultormentedwithhearing andfeeing fuch things, as Lott was, as that rather thou rejoycefl in them, and makelt muchoffuch : What canbe agreater demonftrationthat thouart of the Divel then this ? If the Divel were to ad vifibly in the world, would he not live fuch a life as this is ? Men therefore need not think it fnch an hardmatter toknow what they are t They need not fay , Whowill afeend into heaven to letwe !knowhoot it'swith res ? For thy outward life mad waj Bothproclaim toall the world that thouare of the Divel : And ,although it would make thy heart [well with rage to be called .a childe of the Divel, yet know af(hrcdly by the Scripture rules, we cangive theenoother name. Oh that a malti- rudeofchafewhocallthemfelves Christians, lhould not be altonifhed at thefe things: Whit to bechildren of the Divel, to be limbs of Satan? Yet by their works they demonftrate themfelves tobe fo. t. In imitation Sixthly . The Sons of God they imitateGadtheir Father in his love and goodnofs of his goodnefs to all. Our Saviouramplifieth this excellent property ofGod,That hecaufeth the ° a'l' Sun toChin upon thelowlandbad, and hence concludeth, Beye perfellate your hew. wetly Father isperfet, Mat. 9.48. Ifwe confider the matter precedent, we fhould have