Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

in c r. I I I Ì, OfRegeneration, 243 bony comb to fuck the fweetneffeout then this, God is a Father to his Chil- dren. Vfe, Are we by regeneration the fons ofGod, anddo the fons ofGod imitate and referable God , holy as he is,pure as he is? Then who can detail enough tie curledand hepelfrefateofneelimenwbolivesandertheGejpct? How are they uf. felted with this glorious e&ateof fonlhip ? How careful are men toget their Lea_ fes, their Evidencesmade fare about earthlyadvantages, and not in theleali man- nercarefull tomake fore this heavenly inheritance ? And as for their lives their fruits may make you know what theyare. Is it for the fons ofGodto wallow in their fwinilh lofts? is it for the fons of God to curfe, fwear, and blafpheme the nameof their Father? Oh let the heavens beafbamed, and thefun blufh ro lee the wickednefs committed among!t us, who.yet would beall thought the Children ofGod. Thou calle&God Father in thy prayer; Oh blafphemy f Is God the Fa- therofprophane wicked men? "4.44,4t4AVVVsM44,4*vv44s4,MAA I i a SECT. 4444444 uttauttistaAftwAt