Sac T. V. 243 :444144:44'***4444'44****** .SaIZM212ZSZMZM + ris4170411sMs**47470 **41 SECT. V. Treating of the Nature of Grace under the name NewCreature, with the Counterfeit of it. SERMON XL. Sheaving the J%[ ceßity of the en' Creature. Gt:L.6.15. For in drift Serae, neither Circttmci fon, or Unciretoncifien availeth any thing, but aNew Creature. He Apoftle at the r;th Verfeconcludeth this Epialewitha teftification of his love andkindneffe to them : For his re- proofs had bin lharptyetlove caufed them,and that isgood of Aufiint,Dilige, & logaeregood vie, Love,and thenfpeak what thou wilt. The Argument of his love is feen in the lengthof hisLetter ; a largeLetter argued large affeetions, and that with hro own hand; whereas manyofhis other Epi- sear, ' 3° files were written by others. Thefecond demonftrationof his love is 'n warning them againft falfe Apofiles, whomhe defcribesby their ambi- tion andhypocrifie : Their hypocrifie,theydefired éuwpoommnoar an excellent word, Tomake afair/hew. As (trumpets commonly more trim up themfelves thangrave Matrons, fo falfhood is more varnifhedand painted than truth. Then their am- bition is defcribed in affeaingDifciples,Ambitiofcenamdefiderae, Ambition loves tohave force look on and applaud. Laftly, there is thecarnal' advantage they look at, it is to aveyd perfecation : For the ]ewesbeing zealousof the Law, andper- fecuring to the death chofe that feemed co take it away ; there falfe Apoftles to avoid danger would retain the Dottrine of Chrif}, and the Ceremonial' Lawalto Thus they wereas Reeds fhaken withevery wind. Now the Apoftle tooppofe them, inftanceth in the contrary gracein himfelf, God forbid that I (hottldglory, fave in the Croffe ofCbrifl,d-c. Perfecutions for the Gofpel I fear not, but glory in them; and hereupon layethdown a generali sentence , an excellent pratticall Aphorifm, InChriff ?efutneither Cirenmcifion, or uncireumcifton availethan, thing, but anew Creature. As ifhe fhould have Paid, you are wholly taken up in difputations a- I i 3 bout