Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

Se c T, V. Of the New Creature. 147 holdeth infume proportion between as and God : For although this new&eature' of grace bathmany imperfedionsand deformities in it ; yet for thefubCtance and mainit's the likenef(e and Imageof God, and fofor Chilli fake he accepts of it Is it any wonder then, if the prayer, the hearingof a wicked man bean abho- ruination? forGod feeth there the Devils likeneffe, the refemblanceof Satan, and how can heentertain filch ? Say then to thy felf, 1 got topray, I goe to hear to day, but is there anything of God in me,am Íholy, as he is holy infome degree ? IF not, God feethnothing but what he hates and abhorreth in me: Thofe outwarddirties they pit not a divineftampupon us, but this inward change wrought by God. How then is it, that you are no more follicitous in this great matter? why fhould you nmt be as much afraid of prayingwithout a new heart, as notpraying at all; ofhea- ring Without a new heart,as not hearing at all ? Secondly, God doth not regardoutward duties unle(fe we be newCreatures,be i. Weeannoe caufe the are net able without thie to perform them uponfjrìrituaf andfnpernatarafl perform duties grounds t And unleile all but duties be grafted upon this flock, they are no mote upon right than Bràmbles and Thorns fit for burning : now the fupernaturall ground in pray, mgeneatediefs ing and hearingis becaufe of God , and in reference COhim i Ifrael was an empty Ytne, inall her duties, becaufe flee bought forth trait for her fell, Hof, r.o, á. the did not turn CO God,even unto him. 'ihe Motive or Loadfioneto draw our affe- ctions in any (ptrituall exercife, mutt be Gods goodneffe, holineffe, and fpirituall excellency : TheVirgins love thee, becaufe of thy oyntment powredforth; Cam. La. Chrill taxeth his followers becaufe of his loaves ; and the Apoftle reckoneth it as an Argument; Thatall oldehingoare afredaway, andall things are becomenew, be- eaufe, they know no man, no nor Chrrf? higefelf after the Flefh, z Carty. They do not look for carnali advantages by Chetll, brit love him and obeyhim becaufe offpiri- tuall grounds ; nòwa (lone mayas wellfiye up into the aire, as a manwithout this new Creature becarryed out in Religious duties upon fpirituall grounds. A Bealt may as well fpeak andunderhand reafonas a natural( man difcern and beaffected with fpiricuall Motives; and yet if this be not, a man in all religious duties is like David in Steals )armour, they atetoo big,and great forhim; he knowethnot how to manage them : Confider then, HowCan I pray, or hear upon chofefupernaturall Motives whichGod requires,if this new naturebe wanting? How can I inprayer rejoyce in the promifes of God, mourn becaufe of the foul and loathfome nature offrnne, ifthere benot this good foundation laid ? This then isall inall, andyet we doe not above all attend to this : Therefore as Patel faid, commending the gifts of the Holy Ghofi, (peaking with tongues, working of Miracles, &c. Yet I'hewyou amore excellent way. So, though ye doe well in praying, in hearing, yet there is a more elcellenc and morenecellary way,and that is toperformall there by a landi- fled , renewed principle within: Thirdly, as Religious duties cannuotbe performedgracioufly without this, fo, 3 We are not Neither ie a man a fit fubjeCI to receive chafe fjrirituall benefits communicated by God fit to receive in them,without tier). Uni, ffea man be a newCreature he knoweth not what it the benefits of is to have Communion and Ftllowfhip with God in Prayer and Sacraments ; duties without He cannot tafle of the comforts and joyet in the Holy Ghost; fuchexpre(lionsas regenerationé thofe, Iwill come andfupwith biro, andhe Withme; and my foul pauceth after the livingGòd, When /hall I comeand enjoy him ? he is not able tounderhand : There is in the fpirituall difcharge of holy duties, a very heaven , a comfortable enjoying OfGods prefence ; I trill dwellwith them, faith God,2 Cor.6, and yee are the Temple Of the Holy Ghoft, a Cor. 3. But (alas) there are unfpeakable miferies toan un- regenerate man. In all duties they have but the bone as it were, not the marrow; they (land in thePorch of the Temple, theydoe not enter intothe Holyof Holies; They doe not feel what David andPaul, and all thofe holy Servants of God have feltin Gods Word ; what should move you more to feek after this new Creature than this? To think thefe Ordinances are but husks to me, and Manna to-others; they arebut aWilderneffe to me, when a Garden toothers ; othersgoe homé blef- fint