248 of the Nero Creature. SECT. V. fing and praiingGod, as if theyhad been in a glorious transfiguration , but Ire- turnearthly and ftupid. Oh why is all this, but becaufe I want this newCreature, then it wouldbe new praying, and newhearing. 4. Juftificati_ Fourthly, thereforeno outward Duty or Privilege is accepted without a new onand Rege- Creation , Recaufejuflifrcatien and this newCreature are infeparably united toge- iteration are then, and cannot be one moment divided from eachother, Rom. 8. There is no con- unitedeparably demnation to theft who are in.gefusChrift ( there is Juftification: ) Who tbal!¿, united. not after the Fle/h, but after the Spirit,(there is Sanftification : ) Now feeing that juftification is the ground of all acceptance both of our perrons and duties, and this is alwayes concomitant with a new Creature ; therefore without this, that hath neceffarilyadjoyned to it a ground of all acceptance, we can never be regarded by God. Oh therefore think with thy felt, The prayer of a ju(ified perfon is onely approved of, God bath firft red etï toAbel, and then to his Offe- ring : You muff not think by praying and hearing to gee your perfons accepted, but theymull be firft accepted, that yourduties may ; now this jollification is of none but this regenerated perfon: Why Ihould yenot hearken diligently to theta things , for if all thy duties hitherto havenot been accepted, thou arc to begin a- new, to lay a new foundation ; and certainly it is the neceffaeyduty that lyethat- on manyperibns, though Chríftians, to raze the very foundatiocí they have built all their hopes upon ; they have trodden in a road, judgeof acceptance with God according to theprinciplesof fteafon, and the light of Nature, but have not infor- med themfelves out of Gods Word, for by that we mull attain to thole twogreat works of God, Juitification and Sanftification ; Jollification to reconcile our Perfons; Sanftification to make holy our Natures and fpiritual:ze all out Duties; andif thefe two benot inus, God rejefteth all our Duties, as the Artificer Mills buildingdoth tome crooked {tone that he cannnot make llraight. f. Duties are Fifthly, God doth not accept our religious fervices without this new Creature, nor in a ood roue 1 becaufe the cannot be fo much as called good, andholy in a Scripture-fettle Without withg wthout the this. God faith not unto thee as unto [he Centurion, Thy `Prayers are heard; new Creamte. Neither Both God, as it's faid of TZ;ah's Sacrifice, finell a tweet favour, till thou art made new, and changed from thy Original! dtate. For they are not good or well done, becaufe to havea good aftion there is required all the conditions, Bosomeft ex istogros caufis,maltm e quolibet daleil a, one defea is enough to make an aftion evil,but it cannot be good unlelie all circumftances areconcurrent; now theScripture, tohave it good praying, good hearing , requireth; Fidt, That the man himfelf be madegood : Ma/uy the Treegood, and then the Fruit will begood; Cleanfe thehalidefirft : The heart is the good Tteafure; to that a mancannot do any thing after a godlymanner but by a renewed nature, he may doe it after a cuflo- mary and feeming religious manner, fo that menmay admire it, but he cannot do it with a gracious fonndation, till his nature behealed : Thenas the principle mutt begood, fo the manner alto, that is, after a fervent, zealous andheavenly man- ne r, not witha meer lip-labour, orbodily prefence; there mull be motions andear- nett {linings of heart : Take heed how you hear,and pray with grooms unutterable: and laftly,asyou heard all thismull be to God, pleating Gad, aimingat God, loo- kingat God, andnot at man ; fo that all our fpirituail duties are to beof him, and lay him, and to him ; and no wonder if fo much be required to the right dii. chargeof any holy duty, for AriJotle requires as much to any virtuous aftion ; He faith,That onely can becalled a righteous aftionwhich is, ju(la, djuflo, jnflá, from a juft man, ina juft manner; and fo that is onely a godly duty, which is doneby a godly man, in a godly manner, to a godly end. 6. TrueChai- Sixtly,. This newCreature is looked after, rather than anyoutwardduty, Te- ftianifnt con- carafe isskis trueChriftianifm dothconftfl, Aman is not really and properly aChri- hiteth in the ftian, becaufe Baptised, becaufe be profeffeth Chrilt, and worthippeth him, but tow Creature becaufe hebath this new Creature in him , and this is the (cope of Paul in the Text [ So that as in the time of the Old Teffameut, trueyadajfm, co the true beg