Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

ado of the New Creature) S a c all there who walk afterthie principle, for to othertherecan be no juts peace in all their prayers, and religious duties. so. The new To conclude all; anew Creature mutt needs be more then all duties, Beeauje creature alone this onelygives life,vigour, andpower to them: they are butdead works ; as a dead gives life to eye, P or a dead hand without this fu ernatnrall life. This new Creature is the root' dudes. that communicates all juice, and fap to chefe branches; This is the kernel(, the other is but the (hell : out of this renewed heart come renewed duties; fo that as longas You aredefeetive in, this, whatloever parts, abilities, inlargements youhave in anyduty, youare [till defeâive in the main. All knowledge, all uoderftanding, though it were equal to Angels cannot make a good prayer without a renewed heart. Bernard faid well of Lucifer, thechief Angell that fell, Bonumeratfe fn. iffet igniters magic quumLucifer;. He had better havehad the fire of loveto God, khan the light of knowledge; fait is here, it's better having a renewed heart, which is full offaith and love of God, than the greateft parts and afftflance that can be. V/c t. .tlfe r. Of ! nitration, Matthere isajeefi andgreat reafauwhymenAmid as Infiruttion. Welbe troubled for not doingof duties with a renewedand regeneratedheart, as for e affeff ought ed to g not doing them at all. Thourhinkeft , Oh ifI (hould never hear, never pray, I may be with perform juftly be accounted an Atheill, one that bathno fearof God in myheart ; this is a ing duties" good thought; but think further, If I doenot pray and hear with a fandified na. without a re- tune,God cafteth all my duties away, as fomuch dung.Confider,doth not the fame Dewed heart. God that commands theetopray, tobe baptized, toprofelh- his Name, command thee allo to have anew heart and a new fpirie. Oh then fie down and bewail thy felf, Lord how haveI lived I What (hall I do ! whither (hall I goe that have been careful! in the outward workof Religion, but not in the inward. God forbid that any (hould think this is co difcourageyou inyouroutward duties, to abate yourwillingoe(fe and diligence. No, theft mull alto be done ; bar theft are not all that are to be done; remember, god ie a Spirit, and fa muff be (erved in Spirit. rJ /e a. Zofe z. Of Exhortation, Beat /4 provohedto)ray to God for this newCrea- Exhortation. tare; Thinkall thy Religion is like an houfe without a foundation, till thisbe, se- Pray foe the complifhed in thee.s Oh think God faith to thee every Sabbath day afterevery du- w Creature. ty privateorpsblick, What is all this, If I havenot your heart? fay, I want the main, the foul, the life of all, while I want this : To pray, to hear, are duties too . high for me todo in a right manner,till God cloathmewith fpirituall power from above ; Think upon this very ground, fo many (hall pretend to heaven, and glory, yet byGod will be rejedted ; forimagine there come men with parts and abilites, and they fay, Lordwe have done that in thyname ; but depart (faithGod) ye were not newCreatures. The third and fourth kinde of hearers, they knock to have heaven opened to them, but depart,ye were not new Creatures. The foolifb virgins came with more hope co (peed than any; but depart yewere not new Creatures. Oh it is this makes a Chriftian; This makes tee have praefeof God. SaRtt