2 5 of tht Nest, CredtuYe. S 11 c ss, he doth not make the tree, nor can hemake anyone apple that groweth upon it. I (hall not at this timeihfift upon the nature andoperationsof this new creature,that will be proper When we fpeak ofthe Adjunta; but ofthe efficient taupeof this,that fo wemay know wheretohaveir. AsGodonely created theworld, and all the things therein, fohe onely Both this newworldof grace. Thus auflin defined grace, Bona qualital fana in no64, fine no6is, Wrought in us without our help andpower :. Now that this work of grace is Wroughtin us byGodmeetly, ap- peareth: Ar umentr. Firit, In that it., calledaCreation. andgodonely can create. For to create there r. Gòd onely are required theft particulars can create. I. own infinite venue dadnewer; in fò much that the moll fold Divines do Requifiteto hold, That noCreaturecan be tiedas an jabument ih Chariot] , much rifebe a Creation, principal) : For feting it is the giving of a Being to fomething 6ùtof nothing, no Creature can work but upon fome materials provided;;But God when In. mteeower. he Created the world, when hemade that Chaos, there was nothing pre-eaiftent: Hence that power of God which turneth our hearts unto him, is Paid to have t ' átQ ap t +&p-, Ephef. 1.0. an exceedinureat ffrengtbbwith it compared to that power of raifang C6riflfrom thegrave. Hence Chrilt in converting the hearts ofmen towards him,;making them athis'cbntmand to follow him, demonstrated his Divine Power more than inall external! miracles. Oh then weneed not won- der to fee then love their fins and delightin them , notwi;hhanding they hearand know to the contrary. Alas the Ministersare not able,nomore than theWomen at Chrifls Sepulchrewere, to remove the hone upon mens hearts , yea this is ha- irier than thar, for there came an Angel and rolled it away; but here Godonely can (peak to this Mountain to beremoved into the Sea; feewe then a matt byna- ture dead in dine, andby voluntary practice buried in it; if ever this man came tòbèholy, and to live inholineffe, wonder at it, as if a newworld were made; fur nely an infinitepower could make this alteration, AsDivines to prove that God made the world, itcould not be madeof it(elf, give many fit examples to convince thereof: Ifa man fee a gloriousbode built up in a curious and molt exalt manner, be coniludeth, Thathoufe didnot make it fell; or if onehave an inhru. ment of mufick curiouflytuned, andexcellent Mnfick played upon it, he conclu- ded:, This doth not make it Pelf, or its Mufick ; fo the worldbeing fo curioufly and harmonioufìy compofed, called therefore- á4o7.9-, didnot of a fuddain put it fell intothis excellent glory: As they argue thus fromthe world, we maymuch more 'arguefrom the godly life ofa Regeneratedman,fee fucha man leaving offwith de- tehationall his former wickedneffe, and that becaufe he loved: God, anddeligh- teth ib holinefle, fee youhim aiding above the praìfes of men fromGod, and to God.; this man could not do this of himfelf,but God bath changed him. Seeing therefore an infinitepower is put forth by God ro make us thus new Creatures, well may we exclude man fròmbeingpartner in this work; fo that as Auß'in ob- fetvethwell,Weare the Creatures of God,both qua homines, and quitjafli; As a man thouart Gods Creature, as a renewed man much more Gods Creature. laCe-carian the Creature ùmadc of nothing; and thus Creation differs from H. the worksof men, which alway fuppofe matteraforehand to work upon. Thus in The Creature thisfenfe, es theChaos,or confutedheap,that wasproperly created, becaufe made of is made ofno- nothio et the works on the other day are laid tohe created becaufe, though thing. g+ Y Y . , g they were not madeof nothing, as the Sunand Mans Body, yet of matters alto- gether indifpofed,and unfit ;and this fume Divines call Creation mediate, as the former Creation immediate. Now in this fencethe work of Grace is true; called aCreation; for there is nothing in us that did cooperate , orConfine to it ; our hearts are deadwombes, -till God caufeus tolive, and in this refpeti the Scripture doth reprefent us fo full of finne, and all over corrupted, that thereby the work of grace maybe acknowledged onely of the Lord ; Thofeare derogatory Do trines CO the pace'of' God, chat fay grace cloth'onely flirte up and excite the naturali power