SECT. V. of the New Creature. 273 Power of our wills to embrace good ; for the Scripture faith,dt's godthat giveth tea tomild, Phil. z. t ;. and thole wren-tons of taping awaythe heart of (bone, and givinga heart of fleJb, and writing the Law in oar hearts, do concludeevery thing de nova tobe wrought in us,thatthere was not fomuch as thekalt fpaak left inus: When the Spirit of Godcomes todwell in our hearts, he dochnot as the unclean fpirit did,findean honk ready (wept and fnrnijhed, but he layeth the very founda- tion ; and asgreat Perlonsbrings his furniture withhim ; Take heed then of ha- ving any confidence in thy felf, teuft not in thy indowments, or morali abilities, think not that thou muttprevent God,but Gods gracedoth prevent thee;gedfaith to theChurch,inher blood, Live, and there heputs comelinefs upon her ; and this confideration (hould makethee ready to lay hold upon all thefe fweet dews of grace that fall on theeat any time , that they may throughly (often and mollifie thy heart ; for it is not in thy power to have filch thawing: and meltings¿of heart when thou pleafeft. Hence alfo it is, that God to confirm this truth, that this new Creature is madeof nothing exiftent inus before,that many timeshe converts thofe who werethe blackeft and fouleft of all other frnnero, as cAlanaf]es, catary Mag- dalen; And thus The Pablicans and Harlotsare laid toenter into the Kingdonteof Heavenbefore the Pherifees: For what was there in thefe menbefore , chat could any ways difpofe them, or aflimilate them tograceand glory? The .®rminians and others who thinkit inconfillent with the liberty of the will, to have grace thus in- fuperable in its efficacy, are feduced, as the Ariftotelians who denyed theCreation, and fare down with this Pofition, E sibilo, nihil ft ; becaufe they obferved it tobe thus conftantly innaturali agents : This confiderationof our bringingnot fomuch asWater tohave it turned into Wine, mightdebafe and humble us ; and indeed God communicateshis graceonely to thefe humble and lowly perfons. 3. Creation t? is aninïíant,gn a fuddain; and that is the reafon why the Scrip- tureexpreffing Gods work in bringingabout anyfuddain mercy, or fuddain judge ment,calls it creation, Icreate light, andIcreate darkneffe, Ifaiah 47. 7, What a gloriousworld did God make in fix dayes ? Here was a mighty alteration in a (hart fpaceof cime ; and ifas Tome of the Ancients fpeak, whomCajetas pertina- ciouífgargueth for, and followeth, that Godmade all in one day, and thatthedi- ftincTionof fix dayes is butfor ourcapacity; if this opinion fhould be true ( as I think it far from truth, becaufe (o expreffely contradi&ory to the very letter of the Scripture,) itwouldmuch more demonftate the inftantaneous nature of Crea- tion. As Creation is thus fuddenly, fo this work of a new Creature is wrought very quicklyin the hearts of thofe, whom heeffelhually toucheth. Thus Ï aul of a Pertecutor, how quickly made a Protecutor of the truth and Gofpel? That Zee/mat the Publican, how immediatelydothhe leave all and follow Chtifl ? and in all inflances of Converfìon, we may wonder to fee the ftrangeand admirable al- teration on a fuddain: that as the Pfalmift cryed out, What ailej thon, O fardan, that thou tarneß back?Thus may weadmire, What aile chefe men that formerly li- ved in filch grotfe and prophane courfes, that now they(hould love and delight in the contrary ? Only you mutt know that althoughit be wrought thus fuddenlyand from nothing in us, yet Godhathordered that he will difpenfe this grace no ocher way ordinarilythan in the preaching of theWord, and the confiant waiting there- on. Doenàt thoutherefore expert this Manna willfall from heaven in whatplace foever thou art in ; andalthough thou negleft the publique Ordinances, and the meansofgrace. No,for althoúghGodbath not eyed himlelf tomeans, yet he hath tyed as to them; and thereforeevery time thou doeft wilfully negleft anyoneSer- mon,thou knowef1'not howmuch thou haft provoked God, what effeetuall and gracious operations thouhaft loft by not beingpre(enc. q. This new Creature-rnuft needs'be whollyof God, Becanfe it's of afupersa. turalhbein., and fo the operation' of itdoe exceed the fphere of naturedpower ; As when the Apoftles were inabled to work miracles, it was plainly a demonftation Of Gods power with them, betide' they did thofe thingswhichdid wholly tran- tcend III. Creation is in an inftant. IV. The operati. ons of thenew Creature are fo excellent, that itmutt needs be of God only.