254 of the New Creature. Sacr.V. fcend anynatural power ; fowhenmen loveGod, whenchef obey his commands out of upright and hncere m otivesf, they are inabled to doe that which wholl tranfcends themolt refined natural abilities; It is therefore called,Aparticipation of the divine Natnre,z Pet.t.4. whereby our a&ions have a divine[lamp upon them; and as Sampron when he put forth thofewonderful altsof llrength,he didit not by his natural' power,but anextraordinary afíiflancefromGod; fo in thofe a&ions of a new Creature, whereby we mourn for fin,or delight in God, we have then more thenas aman; for wepray not as aman, we hear not as a man ; but God is in us, andwithus. V. e. Thisnew Creaturemutt needs beof God, if ye do confider, crimeweareti/l We are the old madefo, even the oldCreaturesof the Devi/l; therefore the oldman islaid tobe in Serpents, old m and the Devi/[, that old Serpent, hereigneth and rulerh in our hearts : This Creatures, rill old houfe mutt be pulled down, erea new one can be built. The making us new thusnew cera- Creatures is fometimes calleda Rernrreílion nowasour bodies cannot be made ted. glorious and happy, till a great andwonderful) alteration hash been made in them, fo neither can our fouls be made chofenew Creatures , till God hathwholly new moulded us, put another(tamp uponus, and another life in us : Therecannot any thing be a greater objeft of horror and terror to us, than the beholding our felves in the pure glaffeof Gods Word ; for that reprefents us fo 1h11 of loathfonaneffe., andenmity unto God; that we have caufe cocry out, That godwonldwafb ',and make us whiter than[now : Never thinkwith that natural'condition thou art born in, toenter into the Kingdomeof heaven. V I. 6. This Creature muff rather be made of God folely, than the heaven: andearth; ye is a greater foralthough theScripturedoth often celebrate the power and wifedomei of God, work than the itsfounding theearth upon nothing,and 'retching out the heavens; yet this Creati- Creation of on upon a mansheart, and his life, is far morewonderful': Hence it'sordinarily the World. laid, That it's a greater wonder tomake a man holy and godly,then it is to createa world. For firfl, it colt God onely a word whenhe made that ; Let there belight, and there waslight ; but ere this mercy couldbe purchafed for any , Chri[l was to be- come man anddye for us; fo that God doth not onely (peak, but inhis man.hood, fuller; for you mutt know, as juftification and pardonof finne is a fruit of Chrifts blond, fo isalto this newCreation, and new makingof us. Again the excellencyand glory of the heaven and earth is only in a natural' way, thisin a moral) way,They declare theglory of God, as paffive ohjelfs, Thefe as affirm agents, and underllanding inllruments. If therefore theAncient looking upon the heavens, laid, If their be thus beautifull, how beautiful) is God theMaker of them? fomay we much rather, beholding the grace and holineffe of this newCreature, cry out and fay, He that snakes man thus holy, how holy is he ? Jf this new Crea. tarebe fo admirable, how wonderful' is the Creatorof it ? Hence alfo it is, that the godly are laid , to ?bine ae ligbss, Philip. u.r 5 in darkplaces,that fo others beholding them, may glorifie God in the day oftheir vifitation. If the world be thought a Book fufficient to convince menof God, and that they (ball be ioexcu- fable , becaufe they did not glorifieGod as according to this knowledge; how much rather, that fo many godly men ashave lived with you, wil be a condemnati- on fo you,ifye havenot followedtheir examples?you that notonlygive anaccount of that good gotten bythe Sermons we preach; but of thegodly life of thofe new Creatures who have dwelt among(lyou ; not onely our Sermons, buttheir converfations shouldhave turned you untoGod. VII. 7. Thisworkof grace muttbe whollyof God, Tecaufe evenin Chriffs humans The races in natmre, where there wasa folneffe ofit,yet it was the gift of God.The humane Nature Ch, ho- of Chritt, thoughinfinitely advanced by reafonof the hypoftaticallunion, yet be- nmse' tune in not God, but a Creature, could not furnifhor anoint it fell with thole rich were the gift g of God, graces he was adorned with; Therefore the Scripture faith,Godgiveth not theSpirit sn aneafure to him, ?AN 3.34. It Was givenhitn, thoughit was not in mealare; now