Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

s a C T. V. of the New Creature. 255 now then if this nevi Creature of grace was wrought by God in Chriiis humane nature, howmuch rather mutt it bewrought inus , whoare altogether polluted, when his humane nature was like the funne, wholly fpoticffe ? This is a clear and anundenyable demonftration, that God is foie Author ofthis grace ; That as the Sun is like an univetfallprinciple in regardof light, and every thing is enlightned by that, fois God theuniverfalFountain of all that holinffe which is communica- tedunto the godly. 8. This muff needs beGods Creation onely , Becarafè be, high foa6felueelypro. VIÍI. màfed to accampliJl it forW. All thofe expreffions, IWillgive anew heart, and ,God bath ab- Write my lawWithinehee,Jer.; 5,33.4nd Íwil/takeaway theheart offtone,Ezrk. ;6. , folutely pro - neceffarilyinferre that it is Gods peèuliar prerogative ; for if this could not be mifed iu till man had confented, and there could not be any application of grace till wehad givenway ; Then all chofepromifes of Godmuff beonly conditional',expeAYing till manwill yield alfo ; and thus it would not be Predeftination, but Pof' deflinati- an; and mans will (boatel not follow Gods, but Gods will lackey it after mans. But this cannot be thought, that God is not fiai jurie in his promife, and that he isnot able to make goodby-his hand; whatfoever is gone out of his mouth. Oh therefore, when thou findeff thy heart fo greatly affaulted by fnne, and thou com- plainft thy tuffs and corruptions are too firong for thee, remember they are not too throng for God. 9. If this were not Gods Creaturemeerly, Thentbegreatefigloryin a manrcen. 'IÍ{, verfonandfalvationwonldbelong tohinfelf. Certainly,if a man cannot arrogate ,O!herwife the ' this tohimfelf, that hemade himfelf a Man rather than a Toad, much leffe can he, glory of the glory in any fuck ffrength, whereby he fhould difference himfelf fromother men work would wallowing in finne. This differencing workof God,Chrift himfelf refolveth into belong co a muds fe1.F. his Fathers Will; Even foFather,for fa itpleafeth thee, Matth.tr. And Paulalfo into the like caufe,whathaftthou that thou haft not received? andWho makes thee to differPorn another b uCor,4.7. Certainly,it's thegreatefl Idolatry whichGod can be jealous of, togive thoglory ofthynew nature unto anyother but himfelf; Thou dolt not indeed fall down to a Rock and a (tone to worfhip that, butthoudrift in- wardly put confidence, and rely upon thy ownpower and abilities, roprocure thy own falvation, and inward peace. By theft Arguments it may appear, that whenfoeveryou fee a man,ofan old fer- vant tofin and Satan,made the Sonof God and a new Creature ; you may fag, Ve- rily godWAS there, diete devilsand lufts have been raft out onely by the finger of God. Now inmaking hisChildren new Creatures, he demonftra:esfever all properties God difoovers of his in their great luftre and glory t As many of his Fielt, Hiegreatgoodneffe and pittyruner Howoften is this called his,ráce, and gìoriousAr,ri- the riches of bee grace. It was Gods goodneffe to make a world, but this is the bores in form- riches of his goodneflt not to throwus away, as refute, fit fuell candyof everlafting c eahe1'ow flames; It might havebeenthall man-kind as is waswith theDevills; in their a: Goodndfe. Deluge God didnotprovidean ,Ark to fave fo muchas eight perlons,not one An- gel hadhe compaffion on. Thisgrace of God is fo deeply apprehended by the partakers thereof, thatthey rejoyce in it, (peakof it all the 'day long; plead for ir, and that they live,or haveanyoucward comforts is nothing to this wonderful mer- cÿ of God to them. is; Secondly, He declare, hie Power ; Tbat you have heard fufficiently of, it being a a. Power. Creation, it being thèTamepower that made theLVorld, that raifeth the dead out of the grave; and although we donot ufc to call it a Miracle, yet it is Mirandum, a wonderful) thing; and indeedit being to the hearts of men; changing them,and new framing them, it mull argue an omnipotent power ; how oftendo we (peak to the ear, intreat and invite, but it is God onely that can turnthe heart; yea, how many refolutions and defiresare fometimesexcited in many men , but theyvanifh away likealandfioud ? How often have they purpofed to leave their fins, t 0