Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

256 of the New Creature. SECT. V. to let upon other duties, but finne is too ftrong for them. Oh that power of God, whichkeeps the Sea from over-whelmingthe banks, that power of God, which hangs the earth upon nothing : This muff be feen to turn the (creams of our cor- ruption backward .-Dramme, cryeth the Church, and/milli runafter thee, Cant. r, 4. Noman comer onto me, nnleffe myFather dramhim, john6.44. ;. Wifedome. Thirdly, His avifedome,That is admirable frommany eonfiderations; for ifyou do refpell the perfons whom he doth commonly make thefe new Creatures, they arefor their outward condition,mean and contemptible in the world,Not manymife, not many noble, c.i Cor. i.27.thoughCome ofthefe hechufcth, nor doch he approve according to eratmardappearance a As his wifedome is remarkableherein, fo fortheir quality ; He takes the worit weeds, . and makes them the fweeteft Bowers, the molt crooked pieces in the timber and makes them a glorious building; thus Paul, Zacbeua Publicans and Harlots; hiswifdome is wonderful! herein, that lo all maybe of his grace. Then thefeare but few in compaiilon ofthofe rejeced; Adanyare called, but few arechojen, Hereby his love to thole whó partake of it is made more glorious : And laftly, Gods wifcdome is Peenin the timeof making them new Crea- tures, wherein fo many concurrencesof fltange lovemeet together, that it ravilb- eth, and over-whelms them for ever. 4. Holinelfe Foueehly,Hea holineffeid admirable herein. If a clodof earth, or piece of muck, (hould bemude a glorious Star in the heavens,it is not mete wonderfull then. fora man become like abeaft inhis afleltions and allions tobe made like an Angel, do- ing the will of God. We fee when Godmade manwith other Creatures at firft,- what afignall difference there was inhis proceffe about the makingof one above the other : Lot wemake mau after our own Image,Gen., r. a6. And here againGod Both renew, and remakeus after his Image : Once God laidby way ofIcorn, Man >2 become like oneof na; but now in grace andholinefs , he faith,Man id become like God. If we admire the skill of Artificers, whoof tags and other bale materials can blowup fuch a curious pieceof clearand fplendent glafli; howglorious isGod, who makesthy earthy and lordid heart, heavenly, and pure,who makes thyfwimfh defires, Angelical. The Philofophers called the matter of the heavens Quinteffen- tiall, andthis foul is above a finfull conflitution. 7J% Vie Of Exhortation: If thosehaft foundanygoodgrounds, that glodbath made bxhortodor, thee fucbaglorious newCreature, let thy heart and mouth befilledwith praifer. All ß!elfe God for the power in heaven and earth, but Godsminty, couldnorMake them filch. Oh thenew Crea- but this newCreature is a rare Creature; like new and (#range fights broughtfrom rimy if found remo:e parts of the world : For if we be newCreatures, how is it that the old man in our hearts. is fo prevalent in thee?how is itthat thyi'old lufts,thy old converfation is not. quite abandoned? Thou wouldit eafrly call it blafphemy to fay, Godmakes thee lye, makes thee [wear, are Inch fins of iris Creation ? O then wallow in the dull for flameand forrow,as thou haftheretofore wallowed in lulls and pleafures; let the glory,beauty and lovelineffe of this new e(late'rnuchmove thee: This is a commend- ablenew fafhion, when thy principles arenew, thy ales and endsarenew, thy life and manners-arenew; How can men with-hold from panting and longing af- teritl r> t. , p u sznsz s , ,te ,tr d, ,r< n,,,n.<s'ysr`nr%t $ _( m 'ss ,'r`fq,,vt^rrasvs4t SERMON