Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

E C11.1.' TheDomine, Duty and tifefulneßof Affrirance. 3 affellsm&effet1um. Wordsof knowledge do fometimes fignifie the alfe&ions in the heart, and the effeas thereofin life, howweTfwere it if theydid always fofignifie among Chrifians. Informer tunes Chriflians did touch labour after' an experimental knowledge, now they luxuriate intoa meer brain- knowledge ;1 howfoever in phyfickwe call that man by way of contempt an Emperick, who goeth by experienceonly, and bath no knowledgeofthe nature of things, yet I tobe an Emperick inChriflianitymay have a good fenfe. Inlegendù libris styli gaaramtu /cieatiam, fedfaporem, faid Bernard, In reading books let us not fo much look for fcience, as a favourinefs of the truth upon our hearts. Now when the Apolfle commands us toprove andtry our(elves, it is to endeavour to feel that inaassfecundo, as they fay,, in aelual working, which we perfwade our felves isin usalbsprima, or habitually. As forexample, Every man thinketh he is abeliever,- he is regenerated ; To prove or try our felves, is to apply thofe notesand marks which the Scripture makesof filch, and thereby to have an ex- perimental feelingofthe aelual exercife of trefe things. The Scripture ¶P il.r. g. cals this a dons fenfe 'or feeling, where the Apoflle diflinguifheth it from a,}íyo uo, knowledge andjudgement, makingit tobe the inward favoq y fenfeand feeling ofdivine things upon their hearts. Now that this praélical experimental workOfgrace in our felves, whereby we areable todifcern what is true, andwhat is imperfeft andcounterfeit, isvery ne- ceffary;will be mademanifeil from feveral grounds. As Firfì, Our Saviour didin his Sermons muchpreffe this point upon his hearers. If Reafon Ïe that be true which the HeathenPaid, andofapienslogsitur , aulaa animi ape- OrlI , when a wife man(peakshe openeth the rich treafurea and wardrobe as it ji were of hisminde; This is muchmore-true of Chrifl in whom are the trea- fures ofwifdom. And ofall prallical points in Divinityout Saviour is moil fre- quentlyon this, Thatwhich is conceivedhis fief Parable, Matrh.r;. it ismain- lyto ¡hew thedifferenceof truegrace from that which is like it only, and asbe- ing amatter oFgreat concernment-Tririririae 8.8. after the Parable was I ended, refits cried, He thatbath earsto hear let him bear. Now thatcryin is ne- ver attributed untoChrifbrfpeech; but when his affeffions were very amen and the matterofgreat importance. It is alto tobeconfidered that thishe (peaks to amuhüudé [that throngedafter him with great attention, yet to fuch he' de- dareth, That few have a good and hone(! heart to receive the Word. When therefore our Saviour bimfelfthall thus preach, thatyoumay in theufe of the. Ordinances finde much alterationmadeinyour felves; youmay havejóy, faith; fomekindeof reformation, andyet not be the good and right foil: what a pro- vocation ¡hould this be tous never to leave, till we betrulyqualified : Our Sa- viouralfofpends another Parable to this purpofe, Maeth.zs. cif the ten Virgins, whereall are Virgins, that is, fuchwho had preferved themfelves from the Ido- latries and groffe vices ofthe world ; . They both had lamps, they both go with confidence tomeet the Bridegroom, and there is no dilferencingofone from the other, till theBridegroom come : fothat by this Parable it íhould feeni, that a Profeffour having no more then a falle impeded or counterfeit work of grace, may-live and die with a great deal of comfort and confidence, as if his condi- tionwere exceeding good, andnot finde it otherwife till itbe too late. Again Matth.7.2},zj,z6, By two kInde ofbuilders, one upon thefand, theother upon the rock; What.is reprefented, but twokinde of believers, one that bath the outward profeffronand wayof Chriflianity, andhe is alto truly roodupon ChrifI; but thereis another whobuilds upon the fand, who diggeth not deep enough; and this is thegreaten part ofChriflians: thy faith, thy repentance,' thy 12y arenot deep enough, now mark the confequence, The fall. thereof teal grear. Thy damnationwill be fomuch the more terrible, when all thy religious' duties, all thy external profeflion ¡hallfall to theground. Andit is a fall by way. ofrending, as the word fignifieth, Ohhow wpfull to be rent from God, and,. B a thofe