Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

Sac;T. I. TheDoíirin,DutyandIffeftdneßof *wipe. 131 andoperations of the Spirit of God upon them, and many of them are in. fuch a wayas anembryo to a Ghilde, only they prove abortive, Math. 1.3. The fecond and third kindeof hearers 'were in this number ; Divines as they attribute to the former fort ameerhiftorical faith, fuch as thedevils have though it may bethought theyhaveno faith atall in any refpeft or notion, unleffeit be an hu- mane affent ; fo theygive to thefe later a temporary faith, which they make to differfrom hiftorical thus, becaufe it is carried with fome kinde of affections; both inrevelantem, theperfon revealing it, who is God, and in rem revelatam, thematter revealed, whereas hiftorical faith is without any affeC'tionsat all ; now although thefe who are in this condition, be in rapedof their elatecarnal and unregenerate, yet they differ from the former, as much as copper from dung, and howfoever comparatively to the gódly,they are but counterfeit and falfe,yet they are as pearls and ftarres refpeltively to prophane men, for thefe have a pra- ctical experience of fome powerof divine truthsupon them (and howfoever the Spirit ofChrift Both not dwell in them, becaufe they are not members ofthe body of Chrifl, and asthe foul ofa man works not as a form to any part that is notuni- ted to the body ; fo neither doth theSpirit of Chriftoperate favingly, but to the bodyof Chrift) yet theSpirit of Godworks as an outward efficient caufe breathing upon them. The Spirit ofGodworks not in them, Vt in domicilio, but He inorgano, an inftrument, which he ufeth for the good of the Church; Now in this fart there is a great latitude , fume having a greater meafure of thefe workings then others, as the third kinde of groudd went beyond the fecond. A third fort is of thofewho are indeed incorporated into Chrifts body, and 3. fo do receive vivified influence from him, that are in him, as a living branch in the Vine, as a living member in the body, and fo are animated by that Spirit, thoughwith an infinite difproportion, whichChrift bimfelf their head is ; thefe I are bornof God, have animmortalfeed inthem, fhallnever perifh,becaufe Chrift will not lofe anyof his myffical members; and thefe only have a proper, clear and full experimental knowledge of Chrifts fufferings and refurredion upon their foul ; and thefe dodiffer from theformernot gradually, as fome thought, but fpecifically ; a regenerate man though the loweft in that kinde, differeth from the hypocrite though the higheft in his kinde, asmuchas theheavens; which according to fome Philofophers is made of a fifth effence, from the rub- !unary bodies, and theworks of Gods Spirit upon hypocrites, if increafed ne- ver fo high, would not comeup to faving grace, as copper will never be gold. In the next placeobferve, Thathowfoever hypocrites, or temporary believers, do not attain to that which is indeed faving, yet great arethe works ofGods Spi- rit upon theffi, and they have many experimental motions of the truths in religionwrought onthem. I will choofe out fome material ones,to awakenyou, andmake you tremble, leaflyou benot in a form abovethem, yea happily many have not come up fo faras they. In the fief Ee. They have an experimental bnowledge of the common gifts of HoSftc hypo- Gods Spirit; Thej feel What it is tohave affifiance from God in thefe adminiflrati- tainin prafti- ans. Thus Matth.7. Have not We prophefiedandcaff out devils in thyName? They cal eiiperimen- diditbythepowerofChrift, and in virtue from him; and although we told talknowledge. you, this wasnot the viiiotefcope ofthe Apoftle here, to prove Chrift was in r. them, by the miracles and Wonderful works done atrlongft them, yet this was includedas part : Thus Saul had another fpirit, not in thewayof fan&ification, but political adminittration, whereby he had an experimental knowledge of Gods powerandallîftancein hisplace. And thus many a Chrifiati may finde great afliftance induties, in parts and abilities, and may finde the power of the Lord going along with him ; but this benothing to his fanëtification. And it is to be feared that in thefe times this is the furtheft prafical experience of Gods helpthatmolthave; if it benot fo, why is it that people do foabound in opi- C 3 none