14 TheDearine,Dutyand ufefaineßofAll"urance. SF c r. T. nions, difputations, and are fo lít lein mórtification andvjyjficat on, they fprout out into fuckers andleaves,not into fruit; and we fee in tae Corinthians, that na- turallymenare more prone todefire the giftsof GodsSpirit,which are forpablick adminiftration,morethen thegraces of fandification. But(alas)tobe a good prea- cher, a gooddifputant,to be able to make good enlarged prayers, do argue only Spiritummovenrem, notinhabitantem, the S iriçof G bxeathing4n.thee,_not dwelling in thee ; neither doth Godbellow thison thee for any love to thy foul, bat becaufeof his Church, as nurfes toPrinces children feed ondelicate fare,not for their own fake, but for the child rens fake to whom theygive milk : Hence it is that they preach that Gofpel, that faith, that Chrift to others, which they donot partake off, and foare like thofe polls in high-wayes with hands on them; directing to fuchor fuck a way, but they never flirre out of the place they are in : Oh therefore that theMinitiers of God could become fons ofthun- der in this matter, you havehad experience of God inabling , inlarging , in- creafing the commongiftsof his Spirit, but what haveyou felt of Gods renew. ing, fan hfyingandhealingof your lufts? 2. Secondly, They may have fomepratlical experienceof thebitterneffeoffnne, and the terrors that come by ir. We may not think that the terroursuponCain and yu- das, were by a meetnatural lightofconfcience, for fuch could quickly be di- ftinguithed , but therewasalto theSpirit of Godconvincing and letting finne home upon theconfcience, HenceRom.& the Spirit of God is called, The Spi- rit ofbondageandfear, becaufe it worksfuch fear and trouble in the heart of a (inner, notthe finfulnefs ofthem, but the troublefommotions and ftirrings of them in our fouls : Thus we maynot fay, that thofe humiliations of Ahab and the Ifraelites, when they criedout to God becaufe of their fins, were by the meerpower of their natural free-will, but by thecommon workof the Spirit of God; and thus thofe many gripes and wounds of heart, which are infliâed up- on many in the preaching of theWord, whereby the memory of their fins is like wormwood andgall to them, floweth from the Spiritof God ; whatfoever is wrought inftrumentallyby the Word, is efficiently from Gods Spirit; and thisexperienceconfirmeth that many menwho yet are not made new creatures, have an hell fometimes in their hearts, their confciences can tell that it is a bit- ter thing to finneagainft God. Yea becaufe the time hachbeen, when they have hadInch wounds andblows, they therefore conclude, that they were in the newbirth, and although they brought forth nothing but winde in all that pain, yet they rejoyce as ifa man-chrlde, anew creatureTeere born. It may not therefore bedenied, but even one who is a wilde olive, andnot yet implanted in Chrift, mayhave the inward feeling of Gods difpleafure for finne, may be able to tell you the time bath been they could not eat, or drink, or fleep, but cry- ed out, Oh their fins, fins, fins ; but yet do not demonftrate Chrift dwel- ling in them. Thirdly, They may havepratlical experienceofdef :resand longing affellions after things that are good. They having fudden and confufed apprehenfionsof the goodnefsof fpiritual things, may have tome fuch general affellions and defies after them ; In fuch a temper they cry out, 7oh.6.34. Lordgive no evermore this bread ; Chrift told them, Bewas the mannaandbread of life, and fpeaks of the benefits thatcome to fuch whoeat and feed on him, it is bread not only that nourifheth, but giveth life ( whichnootherbread doth) Hereupon ina tonfu- fed mannerwith forne good affethons, they cry, Give us evermore this bread ;; Theywere like 'Peter ina transfiguration, not knowing what they Paid; Thus Salaam heis in fuch a transfiguration, forhe forefeeing thehappinefs ofthe peo- ple of God, Wilbesto die the death of the righteous ; yea is affefted with the fpi- ritual Ordinances and worfhipof God among them, How beautiful! are thy ta- bernacles, O Ifeael ? (faith he) in thofe fudden flafhes uponhim ; How often are people deluded inthis, becaufe in Tome Sts they havegoodaffectionsand defrres. Fourthly,