Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

24 The DoEÌrine, Duty andZlfefrelnef S R C T. I. true Ingredients into it. And indeed ifa man could not tell whether he did be- lieve upon fupernatural grounds, he could nottruly butupon a bold venture fay, hedidbelieve in God indeed, that there is a ChurchofGod, or a Refurreftion of our bodies. 3. Thirdly, The Poff bility of it appeareth from the Inflitntion of Sacraments, as Signs and Sealsparticularly towitneffeGods love to us ; So that as the appointing of Seals among thendoth arguean intent ofmaking bargains andcontrails fare : Thus God appointing Sacraments ina vilible particular Application, doth here- by declare his Will, that hisChildren fhould be lure ; fo that to overthrowAf- furance is to takeaway the Sacraments; Asa man Bothprize that wax which is made up ina feal to confirm his inheritance to him, more then all the wax in the world ; fo do Chriftians look upon bread and wine confecrated and let apartfor that ufe of lignification and obfignation ofthe benefits ofChrift , more then all other bread and wine. 4. Laftly, IfAfft:ranee Were not pofble, the defotl Would he either in the Objeli, or in the Means toattain it, or in the Subjefl. In theObjeft therecan be no defeft, as all fay, for Gods Promifes are in Chrifl Yeaand Amen; and no iota or tittle of GodsWord in thepromifing parcof it, can anymore paffe away, then in the preceptiveor threatningpart of it. Then there canbe nodefeft in themeans to obtain it; for there is the Spirit of God efficiently to work it; There are the Sacraments appointed on purpofe to confirmus; There areMinifters to inftruft and informabout it. Neither is there anydefed in the fubjed, for although the heart of a man be naturally deceitful I and full ofcrafty wickednefs, fo that the Scripture cals him a fool who trufleth in it; yet being now renewed by Gods Spirit, that guileand hypocrifre is in a great meafureremoved, and he doth not feeand difcern byhis own ftrength meerly, but by the Spirit of God enabling and guiding ofhim; So that as Gods Spirit working by theLaw, doth convince aman inparticular of his fins, filleth himwith defpairofhimfelf andevery thing hedoth, makes him to feehe is an undone and a loft man ; fo the fame Spi- rit through the Promife of the Gofpel, cloth perfwade us of Gods love, revealing it outwardly in the Word, and Ihedding it abroad inwardlyin our hearts. IL Secondly, The Neceflity of it appeareth , o. From the Nature ofFaith. It TheNece(!iry is ofan eftablifìting and feeling Nature. It is a Pillar and an Anchor to the foul, of "' and althoughAffurance is a° feparable effeet from it, yet the Scripture makes Doubting and Feartobeoppofite.to believing. Hence is trufting in God compa- red to rolling our felves upon him, to [hyingthe minde, to telling ofthe heart, etc. So that by Itrong and cuftomary As of believing onChrift, and patiently waiting, we corneae Taft tobe allured. 2. z. Thereisa Necefty fromGods Glory. It is not enough that God doth work Grace in us,and fanftifie us ; but we are to know this, that we may praife and bleffeGodfor it: Can a man inhis fleep, or in a fwound, when his fenles are (lu- pified,praife God thathe liveth? nomotet= a Chriflian ftaggering with un- certainties, and lying in all darkneffe of minde: how therefore fhould this quicken us up to obtain this Mercy I How much Glory doth God lofe by thy fears ! As David argued, 'Doe the dead praife thee ? So doe thou fay, O Lord, Do they indarkneffe and that have no light, glorifie thee for thy good- nefs to them 1 3. Hereby We 'hall have more Ìoy and Peace in our hearts : Oh what an Hell muff every mans heart be that hath not fome little light at leaf# of this in his Soul ? What Legions of tormenting Doubts muff needs poffeffe him, till he have fume fupport this way ? How can a man be lick, be in dan- gers, be underthe ftroke of death, who bath no knowledge of any Good that God hash wrought in him ? See how this fupported Hezek¡ah in his fiele-