Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

z6 TheDcanine, DutyetndufefulneßofAt°urance. S a e r. 1. great and vehement enquiryafter him, and cannotfinde him. Though it arisenot from the DoetrineofAffurance,to make us carelefs andnegligent; yet fometimes this may be abufed throughour corruption. IIII. Laflly, Here is theExcellency ofthis Priviledge feveral wages ; The excellen- Firft, This keeps up excellent Felowihip and Acquaintance With God. The Church cy ofthis pü- that could fay, Jammy Welbeloveds, andmyWelbeloved is mine, did abound in fpi- viledge, ritual Society with Chrift : Hence the Church glorieth in this expreffionfour or r five times; whereas fearsand doubts keep us aloof off, and make us flavifhly trembling about him. 2. Secondly, It WillWorlt.a Filial and an Evangelical frame of heart. The Spi- rit of Adoptionenabling us tocall God Father, makes us alto have the humble difpofition ofSons; Herebywe are carriedout todohim fervice for pureintenti- ons and motives 3. Thirdly, It Willfupport, although therebenothing but outwardmifery and trouble. In thofe times when we cannot be alluredofany thing, fuch asthefe are, not af- fured ofoureftates, fafetyor lives; yet ifaffured of thegraceof God wrought inour fouls, this will be likea wall of Marblethat cannot be beatendown. Thus Ram.8. Paul triumphethover all difficulties upon this ground. 4 Fourthly, It Will much enflame in Prayer, When We are affuredofGods love. This kindles Delires, encreafeth Hopes to fpeed, and fo makes theSoul more importu- nate ; and inthis refpell David dothencourage himfelf in prayermany times: If Experience breeds Hope, muchmore will Affurance. 5. Fifthly, It makees a manWalkyeithmuchtenderisef fe againflfinne As beingthat only evil, which would put himout of the heaven he is in, for havingnow the Experience how [meet the Lord is, and howgreatly hisfavour is to be prized, he will take heed that he donot robhimfelf of fo great a treafure as that is. Howdo men fear to difpleafethofe whocan if theywill, keep all their earthly Evidences from them ? and limit wenot much rather God, who can deny usour heavenly Evidence ? 6.. Sixthly, Hisheartwill be impatient and earnefl till the coming of Chrifí. When he (hall havea full poffeffionand accomplifhmentofall Glory, Idelretodepart, faith Paul, and tobe with ChriJt. Ifthe beginnings be thus wonderfuland excel- lent, What Will Heaven it felf be, whenall fears (hall be abandoned 1 If Seneca faid of his wife man, Majore parte illic eft, undedefcendit, He is more in Heaven then inEarth ; this ismuch more true of thegodly. g. Seventhly, Afog acquiefcencyand refllingioGodand Chrift,asfufficienc foreve- ry kinde ofwant,fo as They de fire nothing in Heaven but him, andnothing in Earth befides him, and hereby having runitofthis water they thigh no more , but all their . happinefs is in him. Bleffed is the manthat is partaker of fuch a priviledge, and happy is he who in this mannerloath Godfor his God, andChriflfor his Chrift.