Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S T. I. TheDoCÉrine, Dutyandúfefalnefof Af ferance. i7 44 A 44444t'_ `i SERMON VI. Shoring theDif ference between true e/IJJurance and I' refit. zCott.'3.N. Examine your (elves; &e. IN thenext place weare toconfider, what are the Chara£leriflical Differences between Affurance andPrefumption ? You have heard it to be the greaten de- lufion andmadnefs that can be, to have a falfe perfwafion ofour mate, as if found andgodly, when its the contrary; and yet the greaten part of Chrinians aredelivered up to fuch a carnal confidence, andare like that mad Athenian who thought alltheShips on the Sea were his. Howmany are there, who when they hear the exalt Difcoveries that aremade ofGrace, whereby theymay evi- dently conclude, That theyare for the prefer* Phut out of this Kingdom, do yet bleffe themfelves; as ifall were well with them t It is therefore worth the while to ranfack fuch falfe Evidences , to difcover between Droffe andGold, Honey and Gall, what is of the Flefh and whatis oftheSpirit. In the fireplace, Wemayfinde a vafl Difference in theefficient Carole or principle The difference true that is pracreantofthe one and the other. Andalthough caufes are likethe root un- Affurance and der the ground, not fo vifible, yet they make much to the differencing of things. Prefumption. Affurance is aFruit, whole Root is inHeaven the Spirit of God in a two-fold I. alt, Enlighteningor Revealing, and Adopting or Corroborating the heart with In thetaufe. Filiali Evangelical Affeilions; but carnal prefumption is a rufh that groweth in the pudled mire ofour own hearts; There being thefe internal rattles that give life and breath to it. Firt, An ignorance Withan unexperiencedapprebenfion of the depthof(vne, and Internal caufes danger thereby. They have never yet WithTaal found the Law alive, and them- ofprefumprion felves dead ; They have not teen the great abominations of their Nature ; The t' foulnefsoffinne, the purity of the Law, the exaétnefs of Gods junice; and forwant of thefeDifcoveries and Apprehenfions, they come quickly to be per- (waded that every thing is well with them ; This was Paula cafe he was alive before thefe thoughtscame intohim, he had great confidence in hirnfelf; and generally thiswas the hate of the Pharifees who jufrified themfelves; and the Jews who trufted in their ownrighteoufnefs, not that there was any ground for them fo todo, but only they were blinde and ignorant, not knowing themfelves; as tbofe of Laodicea, who thought themfelves rich and full when they were poor and miferable r Sothat the prefumptionofunregenerate men arifeth from the nupidity and blindenefs in them ; whereas the godly Affurance is wrought out ofa gracious Illumination about the height!), depth and breadth of frnne,. witha tender affeirionabout the weight and burden of it. Arr thou then one who prefumeft of the love of God , and reften in the goodnefs of thy heart .know, that ifthou wert acquainted with all the wounds finne path made Upon thee,if thy eyes were opened to perceive the filthinefs and vilenefsof thy future and wayes, thou wouldnfrt like yobupon_the dunghill,. abhorringand loathing thy fell. E 2 Setòndry