Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

SECT. I. The DoUrine, Dutyand ZCfeftalnefl of Aff iérance., 35 Duties and Performances are carelefs and withered. Thirdly, Ifyet thou haft no Afurance, then know that it it a free and arbitrary Priviledge, which GodbeftowethWhenand Where he lifteth. We did briefly, and (hall moreat large Phew, that it is théSpirit ofAdoption, which Bothwork that filial affedion, andinable to cry Abba Father. It isthe Spirit ofGod that doth lealunto us ; fo that Affurance Bothnot flow from the workings of grace in us by a naturaland neceffarÿ confequence, but by the immediate difpenfation of Gods love unto us. Henceí Cor.i. God is called, The Godofall confolation who comforteth us ; For GodBoth notas a Chriftian friendorMinifter maydo to one tempted about fin, outwardly propound comfort , and give him arguments of confolation, but cannot inwardly turnand change his heart but God he Both fooutwardly command his people tobe affuredandcomforted, that he doth in- wardly fafhion and form their hearts to receive it. Thatfame power of God in converting grace, which is called by theFather vortitordium, is teen alto in this of confolation. God thereforewould by thisteach us, That Affurance is nota flower that will growof itfelf in the gardenofour hearts. Fourthly, Is therethe truth ofGrace in thee, and thou are not aware of it ? Is it With thee, as WithHagar, Whohadafountain of Water byher, andfbe did not fee it? yetfrill to onin the confiant exercifeofthygraces. Thou art bound to love God, trufe inhim, perform all Duties, though thyheart fhouldnever feel Gods love to thee ; for although the Affuranceof Gods favour be like coals of firepoured upon the foul tomelt it, yet wehand obliged to the fpiritual exercife of holy Duties, though God lhould not give us this encouragement thereunto, To him that overcometh, 'willgive the Whitefront, and thehidden Manna. This priviledge of Affurance is given to thofewho have a long time been acquainted with God, much exercifed in his wages, andenduring much for him. Not but that God doth tonew Converts alto many timesdifcover the loveof his Efpoufals to them, becaufe they are moft tender and need it, being much oppreffed with finne. As Ariftotle obferveth it a fpecial inftind of nature, whereby Parents are muff tender of the youngeft chìlde, becaufe that can leali take care for it felfe. The third Quefiion, Why dothCidWhen he hueh Wrought Croce in ou, tntpre- fentlyenable us to believe, andfee it in ourfouls ? Davit, though the Prophet told him hisfinne Was taken away, yet in that Pfal. 51. how importunately and ear- neftlydoth he pray for pardon and joy. Which implieth, that though Godcau- fed this outwardly to bedeclared to him, yet he didnot by his almighty power eff dually perfwade himof it, and the Quellion feemeth the greater, becaufe this Affurance wouldbe wings and legsin a mans fervice to God. It would en- flame himmore to promote Godsglory: And befides, God lofeth much of his gloryand honour ; for howcan the foul rejoyce togive God thepraife for that mercywhich he knoweth nót that he hath received ? fo that not to know our pardon, and not to have it, are all one, as to the matter of thankfulnefs: yet for allthere reafons, howfrequently Both God keep his own people in darknefs? Howmany timesare they ready (withZion) to fay, God hashforfaken us ! But for all this there are diversgood realms, why God, though he bath put grace inour fouls, may yetnot publifhit in ourconfciences. Firlt, Thathereby We mayriffleand feehow bitterJinn ie. The longerthatguilt with the confequentsofit is upon our foul, thegreater caufe have we to bewail it and abominate it. Ifgrace orthe Affurance of it were inour power to have it when and as foon as we would , how ['eighty and perfunctory would our thoughtsbe about finne ? Davids length of time underthe guilt ofmurder and adultery, wrought in him greaterhatred and diflikeof thofefins. And howfoe- ver it may feem tobe a fervile low fpirit to awe finne , becaufe of the bitternefs ofir, and not only becaufeof loveofGod, and delight in him ; yet no betteras the frame ofthemoil refined and reformed godlyman that is. Be thereforecon- F a tent 4, Why God doth not give Affu- rance prefently to thole that havetruegrace wrought in them. I. ea