Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S a c r.X I I. o/ i{`e,ïual Cailiag. 0;5 Now then, if thofethatwere called in thofe days, had all thofe great incite- ments to the power and life of godlinefs, and yet were defeaive; What may we look for, when thofe arenot enjoyed? Thirdly, Thismaymake us wonder that few onely were chofeta, of thokma- nycalled in former times, becaufe there was little or no outward incourage- ment unto theway of Chrift : There could be little fatisfa'rion given to car- nalexpel ations. How often doth our Saviour call upon them for felf-denyal ? foretelof the troubleandhatred they (hall meetwith in theworld ? and when men have proffered their obedience to him, hetells themof the little worldly incouragements they muft look for. Now it maybe a wonder, that men, who hsd not the deep impretlion of godlinefs upon their hearts, fhould ever ven- ture uponfuch profetfion, where there were no earthly baits. We ufe to fay, Thatadveríity tryetha friend ;'yet here it didnot hold :Well then, if many men called in thofe days, did fo mifcarry, when yet we would think nothing but purelove did let them on work ?what littlefaithfulnefsmay be thought to be inthe inward partsof thofe, who have temporal advantages byChrift; yea, they wouldbe fubjed to the Magiftrates puni(hment, if they fhould renounce the faithof Chrift: Thus youfee, howconfiderable a matter it is, that even in our Saviours time, and primitive beginnings of the Church, there fhould be many called, and few chofen : Oh, if ever, then we fhould have thought the Church would havebeen conflituted of chofe that were truly godly if ever, then it wouldhavé beenaltogether fair, andno fpots in it, but we fee the con- - trary: 'Its thereforéfadlytobe lamented, that even the greater part of thole, who yet give anexternal fubmiffionco Chrift, (hould yet nothave their names written in the book of life. Fourthly, Thefecome upon the invitation,and yet are without the Wedding.: garment, That arediluent in the difcharge of the external duties God requireth, but never look to the internal frame and change of the heart e That was the uni- verfal difeafeamong the Jews, for burnt-offerings and facrifices-they werecon- (la atand diligent in;they did even weary God with the abundanceofthem: hut God rejeéledthem all comparatively, Burnt offering .andfacrificeGodWould not bave,but a broken fpirit,and the LaWof GodWritten in their hearts. OurSaviour al- fo is very earneftin this point, in acquaintingpeople with this, That themeer outward performanceof any Religious duty, without any inward change and work of the fpirit, is but a (hell, is but the skin; thereforehe tells them, The heart is the good or bad treafury, Mat. :.35. the heart is the fountainfrom whence all fireams flow ; and ?ohn 4. Gad isafyirit, and hefeekethfor fachwho Warshiphim infpirit and truth: No wonder then, if you fee manypeople fub- mitto the externalduties of praying' and hearing, for there are but a bodily la- bor : Here is no inward working upon their foul, they praynot, they hear not with a powerful change upon the inward man: Speak to themof a broken fei- nt a contrite heart, which is of fo great repute with God; you fpeak a meet- riddle ro them. Obferve then, if the greateft fort ofperlonsdo anymore even themeer external duty ; and if fo, thefe have but an outward call, they have noneof that fpiritual glorywithin. , Fifthly, Tbofe are outwardly called, and not chof n, Who regard fame particu: tars in Chriflianity, to do them, but not all; when its the lame Chrift thatcom- mandsboth, and the fame hell and damnation is threatned to the violationof one, as well as another: Its ftrange to fee, how many things thófe that are called,daze not butdo; yet there ate again, as plain and as neceffaryduties, that theywilfully omit : Now the Apoftle `fames in a pregnant manner doth confute this, He that breakethone of the Commandments, is guilty ofall and he proÿeth it, becaufe there is the fame authority offended, He that laid, Thou Atiltnos klll,alfo ¡aid, Thom halt net commit adúltry, James s. it. Now then . confider, Why doeft thou retain any parcels of Chtiftianity, and not all: tvito mta a Thon' 4: S