Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

636 9 6. S Vfe, ofEffeilual Calling. Ss e r. XII Thou believefta God, thoube1evefl Jefus Chrift wasGod : Why ? becaufe the wordof God faith fo: Doth not the fame word fay, Swear not at all? doth not then the fameword fay, Be not drunk eithWine ? dothnot the fame word fay, Whoremongers and z1d1terers God will judge ? This man that was called in the parable, by the fame reafon that he purpofed togo to the feaft, he fhould alfo have provided a futable garment ; he could not but think what a negleftand contempt it would be accounted to do otherwife: Oh then, thatall who hear this truth, would deeplyconfider of it, by what reafon I obey the call of God in any thing, I thould do it in all things; by what ground I will go to pray and hear, 1 should alfo leave fuch Tufts, and forbear fuchfins, either all or none, for all duties have the fame Divine (tamp upon them. Sixthly, Thole thatare called, but not chafes, they are forward for the privi- ledges ofthecalling,but not theduties of thecalling: The Jews had many priviledges bytheir outward calling, they were thereby thepeopleofGod, Gods prefence and power wasamong them. The Apofile Bom.9.4. reckons upmany preroga- tives every Jew had by being a member of that Church; and thus under the New Teflament, everyone externally called, though not inwardly fandlified, partaketh of many advantages; The promife is madeto him and his feed, he is within the outward adminifirationof the Covenant, be is accounted of the Church, and the bodyof Chritt : Now thole things people makea great mat- terof; Oh 1 tóbereputed as apublican and an heathen, is an high reproach ; Should not they be thought Chritlians, their children to be baptized, they would judge it unfufferable wrong, not confidering, that though they be thus forward for priviledges, they are negligent about duties : Thou wouldit have thy childe baptized, thou csinfidereft not, how Godwould have thee to walk, andwhat thy duty isabout the educationof children: Thy wickednefs, and thy ungodlyways do provoke God, more thenall thofe priviledges will ad- vantage thee. Seventhly Thole that are called, but not chafes, they would indeed receive Chrift as aSaviour, and hopefor pardon by him, butdo not rejigs rhamfelves up to hint as a Lord, Whole commands they Will obey : Its true, none can really and truly believe in Chrift for pardon, who do not alto at the famé time receive power from him, in fome meafure, forfanétification and juftification; bat yet manymeet have nor faith, but a conceit or prefumption of Chrifts fatisfa@ion, without Scripture direftion:Now he that is fo,centents himfelfwith this,that he trufis inChrift, and hopes in him for falvation, when they have not the fpirit of Chi : No, the fpirit of God convincethof fin, as well as righteoufnefs, and Chrift he died not onely for comfort for his people, but for grace and holiners: Oh then, do no longer deceive thy felf! thou taken: Chrift, thou hopeft inhim, all thy truft is in him ; Oh but what feel you of the fanftify- ing and mortifying power of the Lord Chrift in thy foul and life. Lately, The perlons called, but net chofes, do all the eage things in Chrifliani ty, bat not the difficult aodexatt things: The way to heaven is a ftraight way, there mutt be ttriving, as inan agony, to enter therein. Prayer is tobefervent, to have gronesunutterable ; the fubduingof fin is mortifying and crucifying, which argue the pain and reluftancy of the flefhtherein : But alas, the greater fort of Chriflians look not to, nor ssoindethofe things; they go in a formal road; theyperform the outward dutiesfometimes, but as forthis fpiritualcombating, (hiving and wrefiling, they are not acquainted with it: How merry, how jolly, how unexercifed are they with any temptations : Certainly if the way of Heavenbe a ftraight way, thou art not in it ; if the Kingdom of Heaven be had onely by violent perlons, thou art never likely to obtain it. Vfeof Exhortation, to tremble under this truth : Though thePhyfitians call adifeafe Tremor Gordis, yet theScripture calls a grace, Thetremblingofthe heart : What if thou art in the number of one outwardly called meetly:, nay, are there