Se c r.XII. of Effeltual Calling. 637 there not many too clear proofs of it ? is there any more then a general con - lentor fubmiflion? do you not leave out themain and neceffary things, though other things you do? Is not thy life a large, loofe life, and the dutiesof Reli- gion a meet formality: Oh this is too trueof too many; help Lord, and give menunderllandingto perceive thefe things: Think not thatdamnation is one- lyfor Jews, and Turks, andPagans; Oh you fee how near it may come Your ownhoules, and then thy confuíon will begreater : This man tobe pulled a- way froma feaft, and tobe feverely punifhed, had the greater confnfion and reproach. Oh glorynot in names, in Titles, in outward priviledges 1 for if your lives be full of ungodlinefs, you arenot thole Apoftolical, but Apoftati- cal Chriflians ; even as we fee God, by the Prophet, makes an excellent mutati- on of the name I(rael, that was given to all the Nation, and is as much as a Prince, or one that prevails with God : Now God calls it Iefreel, aplace fa- mous, for the terrible daughters that were made there ; and fignifieth as much as thedifperfon or fcatteringofGod ; as ifhehad faid, re areno more lfroelites; but 7efreelireee Thus will God handle all thofe, that though they have the name of Chriflians, and glory in an outward calling ; yet wanting the power of it, Thal! be adjudged oto eternal condemnation. I0tMAtitstiv.'tilitatAtttis.t2tt, SERMON cx. a PleaforJiriElnef in Action. MA T. 23. 14. For many are called, but few are chofin. ]'E have defcribed the charafters and properties of thofewhot are Vcalled and not chufen: And that which is mod remarkable in them is, They are careful to do many things, but not the main neceffa- ry things. This Gneis' mentioned before, he was careful to come and ft down atthe lead, but notas careful to preparea Wedding-garment ; whereas com- mon reafonand' difcretion would have taught him, if Igo to this wedding, . this Marriage-Feud, which is alto of fo Royal a perron, I mutt prepare fumble garments, I fhalldifhonor them, and difgrace my felt, if I do other- wife? Now the plain meaning of this Parable is thus much, I am called to bea Themoaning Chriftian, I am invited to the precious fealt and dainties of the Gofpel ; now of the Po obi: if I go to them, and accept of them, my confcience tells me, I mall live the of the Feal}g lifeofa Chrillian, I mutt notdifhonor that Chrill, whole ferrant and Difciple I profefsmy felt tobe : But becaufe men arefo apt to divide thefe two, which Godbath fo neceffarily conjoyned together; and there is nothing more ordi- nary then to have thefaithof a Chriftian, and the life of a Chrillian, as con- trary as light and darknefs, whereby theyare like thofe night Bats, look upon their wings, and you would judge them Birds, but look upon their body, yogi would judge them Vermin: So it is, look' upon their faith, their profeffron, you would then judge themChriflians; look upon their lives and ways, yon would