63tf Of EffeElual Callíng. Sacvan. would then fay , they were Atheifts or Heathens: Becaufeof this diverfemixture in mens lives, their plowing with an Ox and Afs their fowing with contrary feeds , I (hall amplifie and urge this parti- cular; A Propofition That by thefame reafoa any man cloth receive any thing of Chrift, he is bound to of great ufe. receivedl. Upon what ground thou wilt pray, hearhis word preached, thou art bound tocallawayall thy ungodlinefs, to fet upon the ftri t and powerful meansof holinefs: AndOthat God wouldby this truth convinceyou, how contrad ry every ill-lived Chriftian is to his own principles ; that he is a felt convinced man, that he is the greateft hypocrite in the world, that God requireth allor none ; duet tie are to love God with alloar heart, dl ourfoul, and all oarftrength; that there is no taking half ofGod, or half of Chrift : To bealmofta Chri fti- an, isto bealmoft faved, and that is tobe wholly damned. Particular Before we tome to lay down the grounds of this , confider thefe parti_ rulesabout this culars : Point' Firft, That the imbracing of the- Chriftianfaith, andthe Laws ofCI riff, are to h an altofthefreeft choici, ánd voluntary acceptation that can be: Though cu(tom and education may help and prepare, and much incline, yet tilla man come to Chrift by his ownfaith, and by his ownwilling inclination, itsnot acceptable t Religie nonpoteftcogi t Cafar non poteft dare fadem, was thefayingoftheAncients; even as it is faidof Mofes, Ile chofethe affiillions of Chrift, rather then therre't- foresof¡Egypt,Heb.ra. ThusaChriulian, he choofeth rather the way ofChrift, though requiring much Pelf-denial,thoughexpofed to all hatred,rattier then any Other advantagious wayin theworld : Now then grant tbis,That toobey Chriits call, is anat of meet voluntary choice, then there is no intelligent man, can imbrace any one command of Chrill,whodoth not likewife fubmit to all. Wo: td you then know, howChriftianity comes to be thusdivided and mingled, an un- godly life, to a godly faith, like a live man, to a dead carkafs; one rnain rea- fon is, becaufe we have chi, Religion by education, by tubas, by the Laws cf the Land, if it had been any other, Popery or Judaifm , it had been all one ; Ir is to theunknown God that theft buildan Altar, and by this means men a bring up their lives to thisChriftianity, but bring down that ro them ; whereas every man that taketh this holy and glorious profeilio:. open him, fhouldwifely weigh, what is this I have taken uponme ? whatdot!: it re- quireof ine? In all other worldly or external callings we conclude, and mirth more this fhouldbe done in this heavenly calling. Our Saviour givesan excel- lent caution herein, making theprofefìion of Chriftianity, to be like war and building, Loke 14.31. which are the two molt expentive attempts that canbe : Doyou not deride that builder, who goeth about to reara glorious building, and bath nothing to do it wichall? Do you not fay, Where is your money? what will you do it with ? will you not proclaim your folly to all theworld ? So it is here, What? wilt thou be a Chriftian? wilt thou believeinChrift ? Why where is thyholinefs, thy purity, thy chaftity, thy heavenlinefs? I tell thee, to profefs Chrift, and yet be a drunkard, a whoremonger, is as great a mocking and fcorningof Chrill, as theydid who crucified him, that in f oto put on him a' crownof thorns, and faluted himas a King : Oh then, that this truthm fight found asterribly in your ears, as the Archangels trumpetwill at the day of Judgement l Itsno dallying matter, its no matterof words and comple., nient to come at Gods call: No, let every one thatcalls on thename of (Thrift depart from iniquity. 2. Secondly,Confrder this:we grant,That even thegodlief$ men that ari,thetigh tbry dofer thefubftance andmain, as theT4.110641411; ofthem,doallthat Godternsends,- jet theyfail in many things, and the degrees of their grace are imperfea : So that al- though there be the fame reafon why they fhould fulfil all thedegrees of grace, ye;