S a c T. XII. Of Effe,risal Callitik. 639 yet they cannot in this life; and the reafon is, becaufe God giveth n4 min fuch meafure of grace in this life, astomake him perfeft without fin ; there are the flubs and reliquesof original corruption in the molt holy, which arc an heavy conflua and combate in them : Therefore letnot the godly wring this truth till blood come from ir, which is intendedonely for milk : Saynot,There is the fame reafon why I fhould do every thing perfeftly, as that I fhould do any thing at all ; foralthough there be the fame ground, yet God gives not the fame pro- portion of arength for one, as he doch for another ; our perfeftion is, to at- knowledge our imperfeftions: The reliquesof fin areßi11 afting in us, that the grace of theGofpel may be made the more glorious. Thirdly,Zn the msttersafChrift,fome are Dotlrinal,fomeare prae`liçal; and there thefame reafon for the receiving of the one, aswellas of the other o For the mat- ters of faith, tome fay, He that c rdothdi(credit or misbelieveone main Article of faith, he Both misbelieve about all, becaufe there is Eadem ratio formalisfidei, in one as well as another ; and therefore the Church never held a iWscedonian who denyed the Holy Ghoa to be God, though he were put to death by the ,4rriansfor maintaining Jefus Chrift CO be God, tobe a Martyr ; for though he dyed for one fundamental Article, yet becaufe he denyed another, he did believenothing atall aright ; only now in matters offaith,you mutt diainguilh between Fundamenralsand Superflreltioni: ForFundamentals, whofoever re- ceiveth one, mutt receive all the reit, elfe the whole building will fall to the ground and for Soperffrutïionr, its true, all fhould be ofone accordand minde, fpeak the fame thing, and judge the fame thing, but becaufe thefe are not fo dearlylaid down inScripture, nor are conclufions that are.very remote fo eafi- ly difcerned as principles, thereforeföme believe that which anotherdothnor, but becaufe the Wedding-garment confiasnot in thefe things, the mailerof the feaRwillnotraft out for this difference; Then there areprafticals, fachthingá as Chrift bath commanded us to do, and they areeithermoral duties, or poll- tire duties:Moral duties are chofe which are contained intheMoral Lawof God, for Chrift did not come to deftroy thefe, but confirm them ; and for thefe none can plead ignorance: The inward light ofconfcience, efpecially furtheredby the lightof the word, doth evidently demonilrate all thiswickednefs ; yea,.as is to be ltiewed, there is more reafonfor thy godly life,, then thy true faith ; for the former is more Bally difcerned then the latter: Ant(; as for thepoutive du- ties, which concernus as a Church, inthe government o it, and the good or- ders he bath prefcribed thereby; though all people that receive the former, fhould come up to the latter, yet time and daily inftruibon mullmake way for that. Two things Chrift requireth of you : Fira, duties of you as men; then duties asa Church, as a Society meeting by order in all vifibleworfhip: Now chefe latter duties are not fo much known, becaufe indeed menhave not attain- edto thepraftice of the former: The fumof this head is, That in the things of Chrift, whether Doftrinal or Pradical,fomethings are obfcure,and Tome things are evidentandplain: Now the meaningofthe affertion is,That bywhat ground we receiveor doany thing Chrift hath required, by the fame reafon we are to do all thereft that areof evident and plain knowledge. And I !hall efpecially follow this inprafticals, viz. That what reafon thou haft to profefsa faith in Chrift, to come to Church, to pray tohim ; there is thefaine to lay alideall thy ungodlinefs and prophanenefs; infomuch that it is a wonder, that any man fhould think he is no good Chriliian, if he do not come to Church and pray, anddotti notalto fay, I am no good Chriaian as long as I lye, fwear, curfe, live inriotings and drunkennefs : Oh 1 how bathfin and Satanbewitched you,and blinded youreyes, that you fhould not fee thefe plainthings? this matter fhouldfo eafily convince your confcience, that it needs not ;much in- forcing; but yet men aremore fenfelefs then the eárth, iá Divine and kWeaveri- iv