SR c T. XI1. of Efeéáaal Calling, e4 t Bible which commands theeto bea Cbrifian, commands thee to be ftrift and accurate one : Thatgeneral, loofe and formal way, is too eafie to be the Sway,ro heaven : Invain have David, lob and Pan/watched over themfelves, if thy waywill lead toheaven. Secondly, Its a principle ingráfteckin every man, that the bill is Hillto be given II. t® God: In the Old Te(ament, the firfi-fruits,and the fat of theSacrifices were . tobe offered : The command is, To love Godwith alloar heart, all our mighr,and all ourftrength ; that as God is lde,gao nihil melius csgitariporef,thenwhomno. thing can be thought better ; fo d we have any betteraffedtions, any better Rrengch, any better power then other, we lhould fpend it wholly in fervice of God : Thus they cryed, Hoc age, in offering their Sacrifices; how then cometh it about, that thou thould have this foolifhperfwafon, to think thoufervel God, and thou pleafea him, when the world and theDevil have far more of thee then they have ? This made 740,4fay ro the peopleof !Trod, when they proffered to ferveGod, Ye cannot lave God, for he is a jealous God, Tolima 24. 19. ye cannot ferve him, unlefs you become other men then you are, and be- take your (elves wholly to him. Thirdly; Thou muff be an exaíl Chriflian, ifany atall ; becaafeifyengoover III. all the Religions in the World, you(hallfee, they have the grease( approbation, that aremore devour and fervent thenothers in ferving their God: Doth notthe Ilea- then admire him who is molt touched with a fear and reverence about his Idol? In Popery, arenot they Canonized for Saints, who have in the molt -Oriel and precife way, given up themfelves to their Religion? What then lhould be the matter, that among us its the clean contrary? Ifa man walk in the ways of Chrift more aridly then others, if a man delire to follow his or- ders diredtly, fo that he doth not either run into the fame excels of ryoc, orboundlefs fuperaitionas others do, fuck a man is fcorned, and molt ab- horred of all men ; yet thus it is, Be no more godly, be nomore holy then the cuflomof the world is, and you fhal I ba applauded : but if you go fatt- er then they , will not fit down with fuch loofnefs and formality as they do, then they cryout of you: Thusyou fee, that by what reafon a man takes up any thing of Chrilt, he is bound to receive all ; and what be Both, he is bound todoit with that firiélnefs and accuratenels that poffibly may be. You may ask the queftion then, How coniesit about, that when there is the fame ground, yet moll perlons think it enoùgh to come to the Feaf, though without a Wedding-garment; think it enough to be called, though not tho- fen : And lira, They do not felt Faith, Reafon and lodgement onwork; for if they did, t. this fun, anfing, would prefertly difpell that darknefs: If men would take Whymoll the Pfalmias counfel, To commune With their own hearts, and be fill; To P eIons chink ìc enough propound thefe ueaious to their Souls, Why do I take this of Cluing, come to the and refufe the other? Why do I own this particular, and negleee the a- fealt,rbough they? The matter would befo clear prefently to a mans confcience, that he without a wed. would cryout, Allor none: As theApofile compareth wicked Men to bruit d;nggsrnent: beaus, becaufe they are led afide with the prefent pleafures; fo they are like to them, becaufethey never retiedupon themfelves, and compare things rati- onally together. Be not u the herfe andmule, faith the Pfalmil, Pfal. 32,9. e- ven tomen that have nounderftanding. Secondly , A meer fpecnlmive andexternal profejon of Chrif , ra cafe and 2, cheap; it cloth not fpiritually crucifie or mortifie a man, as the pradtical power of godlinefsdoth ; a ma molt denyhimfelf and the prad'dcCof his dearluRs, if be conformable to holya Doltrine, the Wedding-garment will fit lraight upon a man: Wondernot then, if the greater fort of people fit down with this general way, for it goeth not to the quick; it tryerh Nnnn them