Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

642 3. 4 i ofgearedCalling. Sucr.XII. them not about the killing of any one Ifaac. Thirdly, A total mitake about Godlinefa and Regeneration: Men never fe- riouflyconfder, what exadnefs, what labor, what confills are in thatway; Theywalk by the Rules of the multitude, they do as rnoft do, efpecially they are refolved they will not ftirre up the hatred of the World against them : And by thefe mtftakes, and being thus blindfolded, nowonder if they fall into the ditch. Fourthly, An inordinate love to Tome lull, or to the world: So that al- though in thegenerai they know better, and have this perfwafonon the con- fciencn, yet the violence of force indeared' loft carrieth away all with it, as force violent torrent: Thus the yong man, that thought he had kept all the Commandments, when our saviour tried him in that where his healthy, he went away then very forrowful, Matth.19.az. So then, though Faith, though Chrift, through the Scripture, be never to plain, yet their cuftom anddelight in fin, makes them forget all. Vfe of lnflruRion: How inexcufable all wicked men will bear the laic day ; out of your own mouchesGod will judge you; Christ will fay, If it was good to call upon my Name, to make force profeffion of my Faith Whywas it not alto good to obey my commands? You need no Devil, no Law, no Jullice of God to accule andindift you, you your felves will condemn your felves: As Peter told Ananias, that kept backpart of themoney for which he fold his Land, Was it not free to tbee tode What thou tvouldf, before thoudidit romif ? bxr fi'ere thoubv/t promifed, andyet dealt deceitfully, why haft thoralyed againg the hclyGhoft? Oli thus it will be with thee: hadit thou been an Athieit, a Pagan, hadll thou never ingaged to be for Chrifts way, then the fin had been more tollerable ; but now thou haft lyed to the Holy Ghoft, thou haftlyed to God : Hearken O heavens, and hear O earth, the jolt condemnation of filch perfidious men 1 let thefe things home upon your hearts ; fay, OLord, Howclear and evident is this? have I any thing to fay , why I should keep rbislin, delight in this luft? doch not Chrill,whom I believe in, condemn it? doth not the wordthat I read, judge it? doth not the Miniitery which Ihear, reprove it ? and doth not the Confcience I bear about with me, witnefs a- günit it. SER si.