Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

SE Cr. XII. of Efeelwal Calling. 643 44s141s,t114A14444444414tttt.lita st SERMON CXIs Of EleEElion and `I eprobation, and of the Eev, neß and Properties ofthole that are cho fn; An, Jn ering the ObjeElions ofmen, andclearing the. Miceof Clod. MAT.22. 4. For many are called, but few are chafe#. IHave difpatchedthe former Propofition, Many arecalled, and now come to the adverfative, or exceptive Proposition, Bat few are chofen, nasxsol; though this Greek wordmay fometimes betaken as an adjeétive, fignifying as mirthas excellent, choice and preciòue; yet it is here a Participle, and dothnot fo much denoteany inwarddignity and excellency, as an external a4 of God,félelhing and chooting fOrne to eternallife, and leaving others; thus theword is ufed very plainly againfi the Arminian gloffe, that would have it;be anAdjelhve, Marl¿, r3.1o. 4,47ès ncxex7esés;grss4eo,for the .Elefts fake, Whom he hachchafes; So that this word dothlignifie anextrinfecal favour and priviledge of God, Who loth allthings according tobi3ometwill; why of thefe called, God choofeth one and notanother, Nali Scrutari, faid Augustin, donot curioufly pry; and again uerat'dofliorem, fed caveat ne inveniat prsfumptiorenì. We cannot tell the reafon why of thofe many called, tome have grace given them to obey, and others remain in theirobiinacy. And as we cannot tell why this man, andnot another ; fo neither why few, and not many. Foras theglory of a King is in the multitudeof his Subjefls; fo we-would, think, the glory of God would lie in the multitude ofthofe thatare faved but we fee the peremptory affectionin the Text, Few are chafes. Thatof chafemany' Who are called, and enjoy the priviledges ofgrace, feeare chow Odferv. fen to etresal life. Thus Chrift called hispeople A little floe,, Talk. 12.3 a. Fear not little flack; As the,number of precious (tones is few to thepibble and gravel one that lie in the fields; and as theweeds are farre more then the flowers; fo its here : In the Churchof God there are more that are droffe then gold, more thatare Rubble for hell fire, then prepared perfons for glory. Nowlees open this Doetrine; And Frrit, This truthabout the paucityof thofe that areeleéted, maybe handled eitherfinfully or profitably; finfully, as whenit is treated on onely to fatis'fie curiofity, and to keepup a meer barren fpeculative difpute. Thus that man was exercised, whocame to our Saviour, and asked him, whetherthere ti'eeefin, tieet fbouldbefaved? Luk.r3.23. Therefore our Saviour did not direily anfwer to theQuel}ion, becaufehe would not nourifh that fitfulhumotir in man. This, point thenof Ele &ionbut of a remnant and few ofmankiode, is loot to be agi- rated inaverbal and contentious way; but ina laving way, tomake us tremble,. Nan!) 2 and