644 .of.F.ffetival Celling. SA ç r.XII. and to fat us upona more diligentand clofe (triving with Godin prayer d other duties. Hence our Saviour though.hewould not encourage that Q eflio- nift in awayof curioti y, yet hedid indirectly anfwcr it, by bidding the fame perfon, Strive to enter inat thefirait gate, for broadwas the Way that did lead to death; but narrowWas the way that did lead to eternal life, and few enter therein; So then thisDoftrine, ifany other, fhould product fobriety, holy fear and trembling. For what prayer, agonies conflicts fhould this work in every bearer? _. Secondly, Confider the aggravationof the Doflrine, Many are called and few arechafe's, even of thofe that arecalled; and therefore, as you heard, it is an in- ference madefrom the manwho came tothe feaft, fate downwith all boldnefs, and yet betaufe he had no wedding garment, was wholly excluded ; and this indeedmakes the confideration Cif this point more terrible and (harp; for had it beenPaid, Ofall the men in the world, there are but a few that are elec'ted to eternal glory, this would not have (truck fomuch trembling ; for who would not have thought it very probable, that thofewho arewithin the Church,thofe that are within theArk, none ofthem fhould perilh ? But this fhould wound at thevery heart, that even of-thofe who have called Lord, Lord, who have prophefied, wrought miracles, enjoyed the Ordinances, that an handful of ehefefhould bePaved : Oh the depthr of thecounfel ofGod t Howcan man fit and hear theft things, andnot be darted into the very heart ? As they cried out whenChrift laid, One ofyou /hallbetray me, Is it I Lord? Is it 1 Lord? And thus nowwhen the Scripture (freaks, Many of you perlons called (hall be dam- ned, 'snot everyone to fay, Is it LLord ? Is it I Lord ? a. Thirdly, That notwithflanding few areelefledcomparatively tothafethatare left by God; yet if you take thenumber oftheeledabfolutelyinthçmfelves,fothere is agreat numberofthem. Hence many are raid to comeandfit down With Abraham, Matth.8.tn in the kingdom ofHeaven ; and the fpirituaifeed that is given unto Chtift, is very great, compared to thedewof the morning, peal. s so. Hence in the Revelation you readeofmany .thoafands fealed in every Tribe. le bath been a conceit of fume of theAncients, that fo many (hall be repaired out of man- kinde, as will make up the number of the Angels that fell. Their opinion is, That for the many Angels that fell, there fhall rife up fo many men in their room, and Godwill have thatnumber compleated ; but here is no ground for this out ofthe Scripture; Wemay trill? fay, that howfoeverit bea few in re- fpetofothers, yet itisanAllabfolutelyconlidered in tlremfelves; and there- fore they are fornetimes called theWorld,and allmen,asfame Divinesdo expound thofe places. 4. Fourthly, Thepowerfulandeffefl moilpreaching ofthi sDefirine, itnajuffground The Doarine ofdreairtoany. Nonecan rationally conclude, Becaufe there are lo few that of Reptobáii- fhall be fared, therefore its likely I (hall be damned, 1 have no hopes. Oh if on no groand this betrue, then farewell all comfort andall joy, would I had never been made of defyait to a man, eft 1 The hearts of the field, and chebirds of the air are happier. any. ' But this is gathering poyfon out ofa fweet herb; for howfoeverthis be true, yet no Man in his particular may conclude himfelf a reprobate ; for there Rea- r. Fielt, God layeth it asadutyupon every one to repent and to believe, to come tohim, andhe /ball have raft to his foul. If then it,¢yeby duty to believe, to repent, what dolt thou trouble thy feltabout thyele tigoór reprobation? The way to make this Electionlure to thee, is by giyingiall heed and diligence unto every work of grace : Ifthen thou believefI, . ç spu;repenteft,.this.may be a fare tefb- mony unto thee,of thy everiáfìingglory; -fo then notwithltanding this truth, Few are chofèn, yet thofe things are lipcew,fe true, Whofoever fhall believe, whofoever (hall repent, (hall beloved; 0nd:Whofoevercomes unto Chrifl he Will in no Wife call out. Therefore this ele/lionof God Bothnot infringe rhofe uui- verfal w