SHCT.XII. ofEffel1aai Calling. 045 verfal promifesand invitations that theScripture holds out. Neither may a man thusquery,Am I eletìed or reprobated ? But, Is it my duty torepent or not ? Is it my duty todraw nigh unto God or not ? And therefore you may obferve, That chofe whohold Abfolute Eleftion, can go as farre inadminifiring comfort to any troubled tanner, as thofe that hold Univerfal Grace or Redemption; for no Arminian dare fay, Godwill fave thee whether thou believe and repent or not, that is all one; but thou muft believe and repent, then mercy is prepared for thee ; and thus univerfallyy can and may the Orthodox fay. Secondly, This it no groundof de (pair, becaufe noman canknow his reprobation.. 2, Noman can evertruly fay, I know i am not chofn, I knowI amnot tidied.Its true, force havePaid fo in temptations, force have cried outfo in the horror of confcience that hath been upon them ; but as Peter ina transfiguration fpake he knew not what ; fo thefe in a black and fad temptation. Secret things belong untoGod, revealed thingsunto us : God keeps that book of mens names that are eternally leftby him in his own cuflody : Even as the day of Judgement, the timeof it, is kept ferret. Its true indeed, Theremay bea certain knowledge ofour Election, not as it i{ in the fountain and decree of God, but by the lure and bleffed effedts thereof, whichtheScripture Bothabundantly witneffe ; and there is great ufe offuch necefficy, becaufe hereby God bath the greater praife And glory ; and a man ismore imboldened and encouraged in all the afllietions that do accompanythe profeffionof Çhrifl. SeehowPaul doth triumph ever All by the fenceof this love comforting his heart. But now ifa man should know he were reprobated in this life, it would breed in him all defperateobflinacy to commit all wickedneffe with all delight, and he would take himfelf difobliged from all the duties commanded, that hewas not bound to repent or believe, or CO pray,no more then thealready damnedin hell. Thirdly, Therefore this cannot breeddgjiair, becaufiif there be any foal broker forfinne, troubledender theguilt of it, We Miniflerr of the Coliel haveaCommiffl- ontopreachpeaceandpardon tofucha foul. Oh thenthere is nocaufe thou fhoukllt bewail thy reprobate condition, that God had no thoughtsof thee, but rather thy hard and flonyheart, that will not relent, that will not grieve, that will not hunger and thirft afterChrifl. For let usmeet wich Inch a foul, as thebo- dy ofthat manof 7ericho, wounded with fin, and we mull pouroil into it. We dare not keepcomfort fromany, one who difcovers unfeigned figns of repent- ance ;yea ifneed be,we may in particular abfolve,andacquit in the name of the Lord,fuch a fannerfrom his fins,and the Lord he willconfirm it, wholefinsye loofe on earth, (hall be lootedin Heaven, Match. r8. Oh then that we had lath oc cations, as to adminiffer this babe of Gilead ! Oh that we could meet with fuch perfons, and we would lay, et ofgoodcomfort, thy firms areforgi- ven thee. "Fourthly, It cannot be anyground of degiair, for thereit more poffbility of thy 4 Salvation, by Gods abfolute Eleffion, then by Vniverfal Grace or Redemption, as. the Authors ofthat Doftrine maintain ir; So that ifa man were put to choofe which Doctrinehe would bave,as putting him intothe greater poffrbilityof fal- vation, he would rationally choofe the former way. Forby an Abfolute Ele- thon forre atefare tobefaved, but by the Doctrine of tbofe univerfalifis, not- with[landing Univerfal Grace, and Chrifis dying for all, not one manmay be fa- xed ; God may lofe alltheglory of bis mercy, and lrhrift all the fruit ofhis fufferings , and a mans falvation is hereby made themore unlikely, in that they havenot been ableto inflameofany one Heathen amongfl many thoufandsthat improved his naturals towell, as tohave Grace givenhim. Fifthly, This fern number that are raid to be chofen , are fa' precifely ,determined F. andordained by God, that it can neither belefenedor multiplied. When the po- file hadfpokenof the fall of fomeeminent perfons, be addeth, . Nevertheleffe the foundation of Gpdflandethlure, Titil.;2.10. hayingchistitle, The Lord knowetb, N nn rì 3 ' aóhé