648 of Eftctual Calling. S h c r. XII. ^lje, 0fe of Examination. Try your felves under this truth, Hach Chrifl fpoken it once and twice ? It will prove true, That though Many are called, yet few are chofen: Oh then fearch, and again fearch and try your waves! Oh' enquire, whether thouart in thenumber ofthofechofen onesor no ! for the thing may be known. TheScripture gives many charaaers ofthofe that are thus chofen, Do thou then fall upon this [ludy. Oh do not bearand hear, but fall prefently upon the work ! The figns are thrfe : Firft, Thofe that are chofen to glory, they are likewife chofen tograce here. Eleaion will indue time have its effe$ual vocation. If God appoint thee to eternal life, he cloth herein thisworld appoint thee to a gracious and heavenly life, As thy glory and happineffe is a choice mercy, fo are thy thoughts, thy aéüons choife allions. Is thywhole converfation feleled and removed from fine and filthineffe. This isa fireargument, No Sanllification noEle@ion, No choice Grace no choiceGlory. Thou art tobe a precious jewel here, ere God will make thee op at that great day. Secondly, ?hole that arechofen, they have the Spirit ofGodheftowed on them, : Hç is the fruit ofthis Eleaion, and a three-fold work the Spirit of God puts forth in them : Its r. A Spirit of Prayer, Rom.S. which teachethus how to pray,andwhat to pray ; which makesour hearts full of conflils and fpiritual agonies in prayer. Thyearneft, effelual prayers demonitrate thyElelion. a. ItstheSpirit of Adoption, enabling to tocall GodFather: This is a comfor table fruit in thofe that areeholen; They have a Filial andEvangelical frame of heart. They havea godlyboldneffe and confidence in Gods love. 3. ItsaWitnefng andfealingSpirit tothem, is allures andfeals unto them the loveand favourofGod, and by the Spiritsaffiftance they come to be thus per- fwaded. Alas, they have no luck certainty ofthemfelves,as the choifeft colours cannot be feenwithout the benefit ofthe light. Thirdly, Thefethat arethuschafen, they have a heavenly delight and excellent joy in drawing nigh toGod; His Ordinancesare excellent, his Word is excellent, his Sabbaths are a delight. They prizethofe things more then the worldly man his treafure, thevoluptuousman his pleafures. Lafily, They that are thew chofen, they Walk with an holy fear and trembling. Theirheavenly joy andaffurance cloth not degenerate into prefumption or sieg- left of themeans. No, Paul beats down hisbody,that hemay not become a re- probate ; and he giveth thisgeneral rule, went outyour Salvation withfear and trembling.Tbefe arethe fruits ofEleélion,notasif all that were chofen had them A all times, or altogether, or in aperfelmanner, but with much con liet and imperfeelion. SER MON.