Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

((f of,EfetlualCalling. 1,4 6qç S RR ON'CXII. eJ`1lore Signs andEffedf of ElèClioni ilridDi- redions to thole that are overwhelmed vith 2houghts and Fears zvhether they are Eletled or no. MsT. 22. 74.- Formany are called, bat few art chafer. HeDoftrine contained in the adverfative or exceptive part of this Propo T - {ttion,' carrieihmuch terror with it; for how eafily may the foul be dif- couraged under this confideration, The fewnefs of thole that areeledfted or laved ? Now although there are few who need encouragements, the greater part of our Auditors being prefumptuous and felf-confident; yet that I may handle this truth compleatly I (hall Anfwer this particular cafe of Cone fcience, . What that perfon fhould de, who is overwhelmed With fears and thoughts zrhe- ther he belong to Ele£lion or no , whether he harhany interel in theCovenant of ACafe of Grace;. for though but few, yetfome fach thereare, who through the tender- turfiene. nefsoftheir own heart, and Satanafuótil temptations, are many times cart down, as if there were no hope for them : Though God be gracious to others, yet not to them ; infomuch, That they fit down like deflowred Tamar, weep- ing and wailing, not knowingwhether togo; would not therefore he belike a Mefferigerfrom God, that could tell how to cafe the foul of this burthen? But before I apply my fell to this fatisfaftion, I (hall adde fome further figns and effe(Isof Eleftion, towhat I propounded thelafl day; and certainly, if the heartsof men wereas careful to.make their Eleftion fure, as they are to make the Evidences of their Effaces, or any outward advantage they enjoy, even a little faid, may do good unto' them In worldly things that Rule is received, Tens rectum, dimirteircertum, , Hold that which is certain, and let More figs that go which is uncertain : Why thenareye not as wif: in this refpeet ? Thy and etrecis of outward mercies, thy fecurity, and quiemefs of confcience, thefe are no cer- LleFtìon. tain lignsof thy Eleftion ; therefore let them go and put no more confidence in them. We proceed to adde more, That he who is not convinced in the want of one, may be in thewant of the other. And ' hirft, Tb y that are thus chofen, the preaching of the Gofpel comes not unit, them in Word enely, bor.in a fulland efficacious power on their heart,andafrurance of their'unde>ftanding e Wé Minifrers of the Gofpel may here take up our la- mentations, To wham is theGofpel preached, any more then nicer barewords? Do not our Sermons,. as the Pfalmilt faidof out lives, Pafs array as a tale that is told? Oh this is an illfign I confider that place, I Tbeft.4,5 Keening (bre- thren) your Election of God: The Apoftle fpeaks fo of others, tither in the O o o o judgement