S a c T.X II. ofgaud! Calling. '651 altation: Let notthofe then who will live in the power of godlinefs, expert great and comfortable things always in this world: Though, they be chofen ones with God, yet with theworld they may bç theoff-fcoûring anddregs of mankinde.' . Thirdly, The thirdeffeEt, Is thankfulnefst, and continualheartygratitudeun- to Godfor,thie fo.great andunfpealtable a mercy: Ì'oú can no more keep in the heart from overflowing, when its fenfible of this everlafting love of God; then you canput bounds tothefea: See Paul,Ephef.t. acid in. other places ;with what heavenly joy and inlárged thankfulnefs he amplified] thelove ánd graceof God inelefting of us before the foundations Of the world; he cannotfatlsfie himfelf with any words; but heaps them up one upon another ; and certainly; in thatGod bath elefted and chofen thee, he bath done morefor thee; then if he fhould'give thee all the glory of theworld. -That cleft LadyJohn wrote un- to, wasmore happy in being eläfted, then in all the external glory the had; How then is thy heart affefted with Joy, and praife, and thankfulnefs in this matter ? He that belloweth great things, looks for great return of thanks, efpecially this being all we, can do. Fourthly, Thofe that are el7Eled, hateafpirit of heavenlyfortitudeandcourage beffowedupon them, Whereby they are able to rejoyce and triumph in alladvert:ties and troubles : Theapprebenfionof this doth fo animate them, that like Salantan- der , they live in the fireof perfecution; like the Ark, theyare fò far from be- ing drowned in the waters, that therebythey are exalted nearer Heaven. Read Rom, 8. What glorious triumphs doth Paul; in the perfonof all theelefted,, make over all kindeof Enemies that can bethought on I he challengeth every adverfary to ptft forthhis Ring : Nowwhencecomes all this boldnels and con- fidence? even becaufeGod had ele/ted, and nothing can feparate them from this unchangeablelove : How can men endure the lofs ofgoods, eftates, name andlife it felf, did not a gracious affurance of this, raife them up above all humane Ilrength? This is the Aqua fortis unto theirdefpondent fpirits; this makes them, withTaal, fay to all friends that would hinder them in(offering forGod, Why doyen breakmy heart ? I am ready not only to be bound, but io dye for Chrijtsfake. Fifthly, The.lafland glorious effeE! of EleElioa, is perfeverance, and of edfaff' continuance in that wayof grace they are at firff fee in: Final Apoftaey, and to- tal backfliding'fromthe ways of God, can never befalthofe thatare thus Cho. fen: Ifit Were partible, Mat.a4.aq. Theeleft would be deceived with the figns andwonders of lying Prophets :'They wentfrom iei, becaufe they *ere not ofus, Paidthe Apoftle; a John x.19. many places might be brought to this purpole ; efpecially that promife, ler.3 x,4o. which is nothingbut the Covenant of Grace, "andtheexecutionof Gods decree from all eternity, I will put my fear in their hearts, that they 'ball never depart fromme : Oh what a .bleffed mercy is this ! whenthere are fo many hotírs of temptation in the world; fo many blufiring forms and tempefts, that are able to raife up the very roots, didnotthat im- mortal feedpreferve them. Thus havingadded fomemore neceffary effefts,that demonftrate thiscallingand eleetionofGod, I now apply my Pelf to pouroyl into that woúnded heart I mentioned, to that tender confcienee who is fur- prized with fearand trembling, lealtnot fo much as the'crums thatfall from this table do belong to it ; thatrefufe to be comforted, fayingwith Zion, God hat/ forfaken her. And Firft, Let fuckan oneconfider, that it is na'new orffrange temptation, evenforthe t, godly to bepeffefed with thefe thoughts and fears, that God loath lift them; Godbath The Cafe of forfaken them t Howoften may you have the Church fighing faeh complaints confciwcz : n= in Davids Pfalins, Rath the Lord eafl off forever ?Will he be gracious noMore ? Calved. and fo in Ifaiah, Zionbathfaid,The Lord háthforfaken me: But all that the fail, and the thought was not true; nay; what need we *under it this, feting that Ifa.ng 4 0000 i ever,.