65,4 ofEfecittal Calling. SECT.XII. LiAtilittelditMsti dattAtOtta SERMON CXD I Is Of Chriflians walling worthy of their Calling what to wall,zvorthy implies, andwhat are the Properties andiElions that will become andgrace our holy Calling. Es x It S. 4.1. I therefore the prifoner of the Lord, befiech yen, that ye walk warthyofthe Vocation wherewith yeare called. THe9B Apofile in this Epifle, asfor the moilpart in others, divided' his Di- fcourfe into two parts ; The firn whereof is didallical, informing and con- firming in matters ofFaith and Dodsine. The fecond is moral and pradti- cal, wholly tending tofoi n us m a Chriffian andheavenly life. Now in thebe- ginningof this Chapter, wherein my text is the fiat vale, the Apoftlebetakes himfelf to anwholfome and favouty Exhortation, to live in the powerful ex- preflìonof all the gracesof Gods Spirit. And firtt; he layeth down his Exhor- tation in the general ; and then inllanceth in particulars. The general Duty is in my Text ; wherein obferve, r. The Duty it fell, WalkWorthy : Towalk implieth the perpetualcourfe and exerciléof a mans life.He that fleps nowand then occafionally in fuch a path, is not laid towalk in it : To begodly by fits, to have tome pangs and fudden re- folution, for what is good, and then prefently to let all vanifh, is not to walk. To Walk Worthy; This is not worthof merit or congruity antecedent to Gods grace calling us. No, he plainly fuppofeth thegraceof God bath called us al- ready : and therefore, as is to be (hewed, it denoteth only a worth ofcondecen- cy and fitnelfe that is fubkquent to this holy calling, that all our thoughts, words and :idiom fhould bedecent, and becomingfuch anheavenly call. Even as ?ohnbid them, Bring forth fruits. Wonky ofrepentance,Luk,3.S. that is, fit and beleeming repentance. 2. You have the objeft of thisDuty, and that is The Vocation Wherewith ye are called; by this he means, that outward favour of God calling them from their former ignorance and fins, to the profellionof faith and obedience to the Gofpel. They arenot now what they were once; They muff be other men; They mull confider theirheavenly dignity and condition. As Paul laid, While he War a childe, hedid all things as a childe ; but When a man, he left thofe childifh things, and didas a man,: Thus it is here, when thouwaft ignorant, prophane, and a ftranger fromGod, thou didi as fuch do, but whencalledby God, then thou takeff up more holy and divine refolutions. 3. There is the argument to inforce ir, and that is from the outward conditi- onof him, that doth thus íntreatthem, Aprifonerof the Lord; one that is in bonds and prifon for theLords fake. This he loth to excite their aftidions,for how