---- E56 of Effer;7ual Calling. S 9 C r.Xlj. thens, and fuchwho never heard of.Chrift mayglory in all exceffe of riot , yet thisisnotdecentòr becominga Chtifkian. The Apofile forbids fooli/b mhichia xetcónventent, Ephef S t4 howmuch more then thy oaths, thy lufts t Óp how indecent andunbecontmg;re fuchwords and aftions ! Though other pupmightdrisskwine, yet it wasnot befittinga Nazarite, who by vow had fe- parptedYumfelfáaGodsjromifingabftinence from thefethipgi; and fo thoagti the}yorld tieth in wiciçedneffe,and,glory in their impieties, yet a:eft-things are not for thee to do, who art feparaied toGod. What then'hall we think offuch perfons, who who judge flritneffe and ptecifeneffeof walking, the mo(t indecent and ridiculous way ? Oh what dófuch perfons thinkof their Divine Vocation ? Hath Godcalled us to unclean - neffe, ..tó lufke? Whereare y oitrconfciences ? Why do they he to fait afleep in y,qur brefts, and arenot awakened 3. Thirdly, Thewprdimpliethglory, andan ornamentto this heavenlycalling,uhich is more thenmeIrcoomelineffeand dccency, Gloíy. is clara notitta, a famous and iNuftrious manifeftation of !itch godhneffe n our lures that thereby all others mayhonour the Gòfpel, and love thatChríflianiry, which inftruc4 them in fuch things. This our, Saviour meanefh, when he commands, That our light fhould /o [hive beforemen, that others ma¡Apr' f e God ft r um, Matth.o. t 6. Oh, every C.tiri. !ban istobe likeaStarorçht Sun in the firnlament; as lights in the datk n ght, fothefe in the midil of a crooked and'perverfe people Oh itsa wofull thing to be an offencepr aff mblingKlock Eo others, and that is,fo to live, as that others ire morecohftmed and encouraged in their wickedneffe I Look we then upon avens lives, and comparethem with their Chri4iancalling, here is nomore agree- ment thenwith light and darkpeffe: Oh thereproach and fcandal they are to Çhrsfliynity'! .Salviana godly Ancient dotti excellentlydefcribe this, What do Pagäns,fay, when they fee Chrifttanslive,wickedly? They think Chrift taught thAm no bettkr, he.inftrutted there inno more holinelle. ChriflianiFantle vixif fnrvp,; fjchriffugfana &ecóecuifets,Chtiftians would have lived holily, if Chtif had'givef dam holy : Ohblafphemy 1 Yet thus is the name of Chrift blafphemed by thy ungodly life, 4, Fourthly, Thewordcloth amply a giving the prehemineece and excellency to theft ehinq.cshat befeem thiscalling; That we mindé this in the fiat place. Many they attend to keep up their flare, their pomp, their pedigree; but the true godly man; lie feekethphis in the fiat place, how hemay adornthat holy profeffion, ísfromäyv, and is properly from that fade of the Icales or balance that weighs down the other ; fo it is here: Thofe things that become this holy cal- brag, that make for the gloryof it, they fhould,weigh,down all other thoughts and,affeDDionsr whatfoever is chief, precious and vigorous in thee, it fhould go toglorifie this heavenly calling. So that this fhameth chofe, .who never feri- oufly confider nor meditate, what thisCbritlian profeffion binds them to; As Nebemiahlaid, Shallfucha manat Iflee ? He thought it a great difhonour to whatfoever it mightbe to others. Andfo do thou reflett, Shall fuch an one as I (wear, curie, deal unjuflly, be proudand earthly ? Oh when thou halt been overcome with fuch things I fay truly to thy fell, that which eiâichal did falfly to David, Thouhaft made thyfelf like one of the vile and bafe ones ofthe earth. What are tie ;flusyou have heardwhat the worda6 worthy doch imply. and Now let its confider, 1 Vhat are thole properties or confant atlions that willthus nftians that .. n hl become broom, Hodgrace our holycalling. And ,,,r holycat . Firfk, Theywalkworthy ofthis calling, who have heartily and totally leftall that li formic life :Goal hash called them outfrom, andhave no deflect to return to that a- t. gui;s. .Ly this call God cakes us from all chofe ,former cuftomary wayes of im- pìetie-,; that we lived in:Were we prophane? we are fo nomore: Were we ptiud,.earthly, unjtifi? we are fonomore. God bath called us from 'Inch a yvtet ticd andcurled eltate of life. Now aman cannot walk in a meer únwor- thy