Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

653 OfEfreclanl CaQin3. S rt c r.XIr not do fuch things as (hall make Religion Oink in thenofttils of men : Oh they havealwayes a care to that, that that may be wellfpoken of, may hear well! In- deed there are paffive fcand als and offences, fuch as wicked men take by their own corrupt and malicious hearts, as the Pharifees did atChrift, but chore are not to be tnattered ; fuch perlons dodeftroy theirown felves, and likeSerpents they turn every thing theyeat into poifon ; but we fpeak now of thole things that give a ¡oft offence, that arenotjuftiflable and warrantable. There things, thole that delireto adorn religionwill abftain from. If Augafius laid, That an Emperor was not only tobe free from crimes,but alto from the fufpitionof them; Howmuch more fhould Chriftians, who are commanded to abllain from all ap- pearanceof evil? aThrfç.zz. 4. Fourthly,:They that WallkWarthyofhiscalling, theyare enduedWithmagnanimau andhigh refolations ratable thereunto, They are laid to beborn efGod ; Fortescre- antur fortibue. They referable their father ofwhom theyare born;. Doth earth- ly greatneffeand nobilitymake men put themfelves in a different behaviour and deportment fromchofe that are ofan inferiour breed ? we fay, Such a man Ihew- eth his breeding, he is a Gentleman every inchof him ; Howmuch rather may we fay, Such a man fheweth his Chriltianity, He is a Chriflian in every particu- lar, you may knowwho is his father, he icorneth todebatehimfelf by fine? yet ,many men think the only gallantry in theworld limb in thebeatify pleafures of the flelh; Thus while they think themfelves more then other men, they make themfelvesworfe then the very beafts. Remember thy Chriltianity, and that will raife up thy heart to things that are indeed clorious andexcellent; to mor- tifie thy pallions, toconquer thy lulls, tohave fellowfhipand communion with God in holy duties, to be above the allurements or difcouragements of the world, to fear nothing butfinne; there are magnanimous and generous things, and fuch only they do, who walk worthy of this calling. s, Lally, TheyWalkjtorthy, *heabound in the grace, fallowing this verfe: For the Apoftle ofall other duties, inftanceth in lowlineffe and meekneffeofminde, with all long-fufferingand forbearance. Lowlineffeof minds is that humility of heart, whereby we giveall toGods grace, and take nothing to our felves, Praife is comelyfar theupright. Nothing but grace, grace fhould come out of the mouththat is thus gracioullycalled by God. ThusPaul oftenbreatheth out the pralles of the riches of Gods grace and long-fuffering, with much patience intreatingand exhorting others tocome out of their dangerous efface they are in. They confider howmuch patienceGod and good men (hewed to them, how 'often they were rebelliousand refradhory, yet God did not leave them. And certainly this is a very great grace, notto be wearied out, butftill importuning thole that gainfay, if Godmay yet give them grace to repent. Ore ofExamination: Bring we our felves to there trials and touchftones. Is all our calling thus holy ? Is Chriltianity thus obliging unto all purity and god- lineffe? Oh then let the greater part ofmen amongfl us be afhamed, and full of toilful-ton I Whole zeal mull not burn like fire to fee the reproachand fcandal to Chriflianity by the lives of thole, who call themfelvesChriftians, but indeed are not? They have a name that they live, but are really dead. Doth your Chriftian religion teach you to lie, fwear, and live in all carnal jollity ? Doth the Scripture, dothChrift teachyou nobetter things? Let the heavens blufh, and the earth tremble to hear and fee, what isdone among thofe, who ,yet ¡no- fellè the faith of Chrift: Oh either lay alide fuch titles, or lay afide thole un- s godly praftices I Thou art hound to thy good and godly behaviour, its not for (heft) to lie and wallow in the mire like Twine; its not for flowers to finelt like weeds; not for themyrtle trees to become like thebrambles; How long fhall theft things found in your ears, and yet theLord not give youunderftanding rightly to apply them? Cry outof your felves as unfavoury fait ; ftand aloofoff as unclean Lepers, unworthy that God or goodmen fhould own you. yfe