S a c r.X I I. of i festal Calliitg. 659 Vfe 2. To thegodly : Let this be a goad in their fide, let not thé Ionic finsand infirmities be inthem,as inmenofthe world: Artthou proud,earthly,paffionate, difcontented? fay, How am I become thus like abeaft,I forget my(lf,Iforget my holy calling. SERMON CXIV. Ofthe ature,éxtent andExample ofthat Holi- nefs to 'which Clodcalls a man. I PET, I.15. But as be which bath called yea is holy, fe be ye lady in all arannexofcsw. verfation. THe Apofile having in theformer part of the Chapter, fpokenofglorious encouragements in the way to heaven, atthe 13 Yerf, hepreffeth to an exalt and accurate diligence in the exercife of grace, which iseraphati-, call exprefted by that metaphoricalphrafe, Girdup theloins of yourwinde:The body girt, is more expedite and prepared for anywork, and fois the minde. In the 14 Verfe heamplifieth thisduty ; firft, Comparatively, Bfobedienrchildren : This fheweth the inward willingnefs and readinefsthat fhouldbe inthem mall açts ofobedience ; as alto, theevangelical and filial motive to draw them out. Secondly, This is prelfed negatively,. Not falbioning your felves, &c. You fee what it is to bemen and womenof the belt fafhion ; viz. Such. asdo notcon, form to thofe lulls and fins that the worldcloth lie in: And that a.Ispofitively commanded, But be ye holy; where you have the duty enjoyned, Be ye holy : There arefour words commonlyúfed for this holinefs, fometimes ¡it ao, force- times,iP&,fometimes öm> and molt commonly=:x&. Whether this word, cameof a and without earth, orof ./ oua. , becatife holinefs deferveth all reverence and veneration, I (hall not much regard; this is pertain, it dothim- ply a choice and fublime frameoffoul, whereby we are carryedout in reference CO Godin all our aftions. z. There is the extentof this duty,. In admanner of converfation: Here this is confiderable, that men may demonffrate fomeboli- nefs inTome particularalts, and in forcechannels, but not in all manner ofcon- . verfation. 3. Here is the exemplary raufe, after whichwe are tobe conforma- ble, As he that hash calledyen is holy. 4. There is anargumentconfirming it by , authority from Scripture, Becanfe it is Written, Beye holy, for I am holy : That is writtenmany times, toraife up our thoughts ingodlinei, notto propound any men, no not the molt holy that are, but God himfelf :. Now theApofile doth not meanan equality; forhow can á drop,be equal toGhe fea ? or afpark to dieSun ? but onlyoffimilitude andproportionable imitation, as is moreparti- cularlytobe ¡hewed. Obferve, That perfons called, ought to be holy,' éven as God Who cslleth them is molt Obfer4 hsy. This very confide`ration fhouldwork an heavenly metamorphofis and change,' who and what is thatGod whocallethme, fhould die foul fay; Godwho made me atterhis own imageat firft, doth tlillrequire the reparation of it in myfife :. «'all the attributesthe Angels Melted toglorifieGod with,thiswasthat they, Pppp z pitched