660 Of Ef'f'eíïaal,Calling. S ß.a T. XII. pitched on, Ho /y, holy, holy, Ifa.6. and certainly, of all things remarkable and confiderable in thee, thisfhouldbe thy chief, Holy : Thou art wife, but holy; thou art rich, but holy ; this is the Diamond in the Jewel. To illuftratethis point, confider, What this ho- /T. Firfi, What this holinefs is, and that is in thefe things : Firít, An inward reflitudeof all theparts andfacultiesof the foal, Whereby they linefsis. sate iasaployd and improvedfor holy ends ; Holinefs is not a particular grace,or a particular healingof fome difeafe in the foul, but it is an univerfal medicineap_ plied to all the(oars ofthe foul, and ifit doth not perfelHy cure and heal allthe difeafe, yet it doth for the main : So that this holinefs is nothingbut the found and right temperament of the foul, whereby it is inabled in minde, will and af- fsetlenti ye ;;t6e',wholenurntobecaaried out towardsGod.; thereforethis ho- linefsis called The imageofGod; and we know, an image is not an hand, or a leg, but a ful delineation in aid the parts thereof; when therefore wearecontmand- ed thusto be holy, we are to look toholinefs in the fountain, to holinefs in the root ; evenas God is not onely holy in allions, and in all hisworks he cloth, but in hisefl'ence andnature allot So thatalthough all thy a&ions havenever fach a thewof holinefs andoutward fplendor,yét ifnotflowing from this inward image, they are butt guilded Sepulchres, and like the afhes ofSodow. Secondly,This bolinefs isapure and unmixeddàfpafition offoul, fromany .thing that mayfoil and debate it : So fome make the word 4,e-, that is, without any terrene or earthly mixture ; for as every thing is deba(ed, whenit mixed with that which is of an inferior nature to it; as lead with flyer, water with wine : So it is here, when the foul of man which was madefor the enjoyment of God, and communion withhim, is bowed down to earthly things, andmingleth it felf with them, then it becometh baleand degenerate. Now the foul may admit of a twofold mixture, bothwhich makesit unholy : Fins : Withthe lufts offin,and thebeaf ly pleafuresache fieth; and this is the deepeft pollution, as ifthe Sun thouldbecome a dunghil ; andtherefore wicked men are compared to Dols, licking up their vomit,and Swinewallowing in their mire, a ¡'br. 2.2a. Oh therefore remember,when thou haft been committing any bras fin, thou haft made thy felf like dirtanddung, thou haft made thy felt like a. boat hfomeToad,God ablrorreth thee, and were thy eyes opened, thou wonldit be abominable in thy owtaeyes, thou wouldit not endure thy ftlf, butcry out with David, tWalhmethroughly, and l (hall be clean.Pfal. S r. Or a. Secondly, Adefilirgmixture may be by the inordinateand immoderate af- feetionsofa man,even to lawful things; even as the waters that overflow the banks, theygetfoil and filth by that means : So thofe affeetions that arecarried out beyond their limits,inover-loving,inovergrieving,inover-defiring,theyde- bareand makeunholy.Hence Efau is called eslprophane perfan, Heb. r z. r6. why ? weread not ofhis grofs,vicious, beaftly fins, but becaufe be had a lowand use dervaluing efteemof heavenly things, ofthat birth-right he fold :So then, thou arc an unholy an'd a prophane man, though free from thy grofs fins, if thy thoughts, thy efleem about holy andheavenly thingsbe lowand carelefs : Thou hadlt rather have, as he laid, Guttamvini,thencaduta mentis, a drop of*afire, then an whole veffel ofheavenly wifdom, this argueth thou art unholy. Holi- nefs lieth in the fpiritual dieting and moderatingof all thy affections toworld= lycomforts : Re that marrieth, as if hemarriednot ;he that buyeth, as ifbebought s:ot, z Cor.7. In all our elatesand conditions, we are to cut off thofe luxuriant branches, we aretoput bounds to them, as God to the fea, Hitherto thou (halt . go andno,further. 3. Thirdly, Rohner' ismainlyPeen inreferringall unto Godbypure and uprightin- tentions. The Pharifees holinefs, though fo dazling in theeyes of the world, was noholinefs, becaufe theydidall tohe feen amen : This makes all the civil andadmirable aftions ofthe Romans, andother Heathens,to be no holyanions, but z.