Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S ë è T. 'NII. Ojr EfeE7ualCalling. 661 bat,pIcndide pintas ; becaufe itwas vain glory, or at leafs, the loveof their Countrey, that put them upon the accomplifhment of filth a ions; fo thatthe, greateft part ofholinefs is invifible,lieth much in eying at the trueaimwe ought tolhoot at. 7ehr in all thofe wondeeful Reformations hemade in theChurch andState of Ifrael, yetwasnot in the number of theholy Kings, becaufe his ends werefelfifh, worldly, and vain! glorious. Look then thy intentionsfall not fhnrt of that ultimate end, the gfóry of God, and this prove a dead Aye in theboxofthyointment. Fourthly, Holieefs Beth in bearingup the heart inall Lindeof duties, withfuch q; heavenly andfablimemotives, thatflej7andbloodcan no ways attainunto : Holinefs is apower above all refinednaturalabiliries: Thus+faith is an holy grace, becaufe it bearetb uptheheart with a promife, with theword of God, when all nata- ratreafonand hopes area gainft it ; and fo he can rebuke thofe ftrong winds and tempefls of unbeliefand difcouragement, which natural ftrength could ne- verdo : So to love God in adverfities, not to mutter or repine at him, though his hand be heavy on thee, yet thou hall no hardthoughts about him, but he is asgood and as graciousa God in thyapprehenfron as ever:Hereisiron fwimming, hereare the riversof ardanrunning back, here is holinefs exalted above na- ture; fo likewife to rejayce in tribulations, to triumph over all troubles; to findehoney in thedead carkafsof the Lyon, to get breadout of (tones ; this is thework.of holinefs. And hilly; patience and forbearance` to men that hate us, love and picty to thofe that cruelly perfecute -us: Thus holinefs teacheth, but thenature of man kicketh againft all their things. Fifthly, Helinefs is in the dedicatingof our(elves Wholly unto the Lard; that we are nomoreour own, much lets theworlds os Satans : Thus there were holy vale's,. and an holy Temple, becaufe altogether feparated unto God, and might notbe imployed untoany common ufe : Thus the perfonsthat are holy, Ase madeeheTemplesof the Holy Ghofl, r Cor.3. they may not touch any un- clean thing. Oh what a(bong obligation is this, to depart from all evil and wicked company I To whom wert thou given up? Haft thou not parted with felt ? and art not thou given to God ? Be then as the Temple, let nounclean thoughts oraffehions pats through thee. Sixthly, AHere(farm Concomitant of this holinefs, is a reverenceandam itbreeds ,. in theconfciences, even of thafeWho yet hate it: As the imageofGod put inman, made him have dominion over the beafts of the earth ; fo this holy image of God breeds an aw, a fear even in wicked men : Thus dyeh is of gou« ; and hence Bored, though a King, yet fearedyohn, becaufe he was a righteousand holyman, Mat.6. zo. This holinefs is called by Peter aAatotfois, A Divinenature, aPet.r.4, andcertainly, as the Sun makes a glorious dazling upon the eyes of men; fo doth holinefs, powerfully expreffed, make a throne in the heartsof the ungodly, convincing and overawing them: Though therefore out- wardly they may deride and oppofe thepractice of holinefs, yet in their confia -. ences they count fuch happy, andwith their fouls might be in the famecondi- tion withfuch mens. We comein the next place, to the extent of this duty, In all mannerof con- Theetttent n verfatiom: And the duty. Firlt, Itmuff be in our converfation,ávarpovnNow a mans converfation is not to fome few aets, or fame few times to be holily affefted , but conflantly and cullomarily. Ourconverfation is in heaves,faith theApoitle,Pbil.3.ao. and its called a godly mans way, wherein he walketh; fo that unlefs holinefs be thy main bufinefs, unlefsReligionbe thy chief imployment, thou art notyet holy, thy way is notanholy way, though theremay befome occafional holy aFtion,; neither is thy converfationan holy converfation, though theremay feem to be fome holy fits : Oh this is greatly to be attendedunto, forfomemens holinefs is like the morning dew,or like theebbings and Aowings ofthe tea ; its by way of a, trasfiet,?