óf'EffeEfaal Culling. S a c r.XII. a:tran(ient paffron, not as a permanent principlewithin them ; its a Land-flood that makes a great noife;l its not a conftant fpring. a. Secondly, It mutt be holinefs inall manner of converfation : Firft,There muff be 311 holinefsfubjefFivi, that is all the partsand faculties of foul and bodymull have their peculiar holinefs ; the minde holy, thoughts holy, meditationsholy, the will holy, delires holy, and holy choices, the af- fe&ionsholy, holy love, holyanger, holygrief, holy fear ; the memory an ho- ly treafury to retain holy direétions and inftruftions: Thus a mansfoul mull be like that part of theTemple, SanFFumSanflorum, TheWWII of holies . the bo- dy likewife, that is tobe holy inftrumentally, holy eyes, holy hands, and holy tongues,holywords, holy aftions,holygeftures : That, as the ProphetZechariah prophefieth, uponthe horfesbells there fhould be written, Holinefs to theLord, Zech.54.2r. fo here uponthe whole man thall be written, Holinefs to the Lord; and the meaningof that prophetic is, That he who is holy, fhallbe ixevery re- fpe& holy ; as Paulprayed], /prayGodye be fanWfied throughout, both infpirit, foul, andbod7, a Theff.5.23, Secondly Thiemufl be all holinefs objeftivé, in refpeft of the objell: Our adios muff be holy in reference to God and man : Iexercife myftlf, faith Panl,, Ads 24.16. there was his converfation ; to keep aged confcience towards Godand MAN, there was the extent to every objet for although all holinefs dock im- mediately refer to God, yet whenwe do theduties ofjuftice, righteoufnefsand charity towards man, becaufe God commands, and outof love to him, then thefe juft and righteous a&ions;are likewife holya&ions, becaufe of the con- fiderationof God that draweth out the foul : So that we maymake ourvery eating, drinking, and lawful refrefhments, holy' aftions, when a motive from God doth put us upon them. 3, Thirdly, We are in our converfation to put forth all halinef , in refpea of the degrees of it: We are to endeavor, and tohanger and thirft after allthe de- greesof holinefs; if therebebetter believing in God, better heavenly minded- nefs, more love to God then ever yet we have attained, this we arcto preis forward to ; as Paul, who was exalted to fo high a degree of holinefs, yet he forgets all behinde, and purfueth that before, Phil. as if hewere but be- ginning to be godly ; and hence the godly are faid,To hungerand thirfi after tighteoufneffe, Mats. Alexander wept when he heard a Phylofopher arguing there were more worlds thenone, when hehad not yet conqueredone: And thus when thou heareft the wordof God requiring filch a perfe& holinefs, fuck a pure exercifeof graces, thou mayeft weep to fee the drofs, thedefects and weaknelfes thatare in thee; yet take heed thou doeft not rejel thyholinefs as none at all, becaufe it may bebetter; for perfe&ion and fulnefs is notin this life, Rill here is fomething wanting, but our prayers and endeavors lhould he after perfeetion. qt Fourthly, Weare to putfortb all the parts and kindes of godlinefs in our con. verfeetion: Holinefsisa chain, and we mull not break one link: Addeto faith, Vertne, and to venue temperance, &c. a Pet.r.6, Tobe holy in fome things, and not in others, is to be holy in nothing : Holinefs is univerfal, it comes (n with no buts, no ifs orands, noexceptions ; but as the word ofGod is univerfal, and the rule is univerfal, fois his holinefs : Oh its this partial holinefs, this ho- linefs in Tomepittances, that makes fuch a reproach toReligion : Holinefs will no morefwear then lye, or lye then (wear ; Holineffe will no more deal unjuft- ly; then leave off praying and holyduties; if any do fo, the Scripture makes not fuck holy : Oh therefore be foreto Rudy the extent and largeneffeof ho- lineffe. Do I thew forth all holineffe ? The Apoftle bids us pray, that under Magiftrates we might live in all godlinefs: There is force holinefs, time godlinefs many timesthe worldwill fuffer, but not all : And nonewould think how falle and guilful their hearts are, howmuch they are toleek for fom kind Laftly, ofgodlinefs, when theyare put to it.