Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S E C T. I. TheDatfrineandZl(efulnefdafSiqms. 43 e7:sezAzt)l SERMON IX. Shewing the Lawfulneß and Duty ofproceeding by wayof Signs, andpro'ing that inherentgracious O ual(cations within aman evidence his f usIifi. cation. 2 C oR. 13.5. Examineyour felves, proveyour own felves; &c. f E have laid down feveral Propofitions tendingto the clearer Difcove- 'ry ofthis truth about Signs or Marks ofGrace. I now come to These The Láznf:tlne]Je, yea the Door) both ofMiniflersand People to proceed by this method. For although myproper work isonely to fpeak of the fruits of Grace, as theyevidence a principle of Sanfìificationwithin, yet 1 (.hall in this grafp alto that other QueftionOf evidencing one 3tflificatron by inherent gracious Inhereue ara- .ualifications within us, this'fárter beingexprefly writtenand preached againfl ;; cario Q fo that by this means godly Chriflians areplunged into feveral inran lements of carious witoin Y $ Y P ;' g usevidenceour confcience, and knownot how to come out. I (hall therefore ( God affcfiing) Joliifieation. bring Argumentsto confirm us in this Duty: onely let us fief'. underfland, What the true praftical Cafe andQiefiion is. And fill the Qyefiion is nor, Whether a The Qucdion Chriftian in his firfi ael of Faith, whereby heclofeth with Chrifl applieth him, dared. and is engraffed inhim, ought to fee inherent Qualifications in him, by way of Signs and Evidences? for this is not poffible : we mull firE by faith be implanted in Choft, before there can be any fruits demonfiratingthis our infition in him. The Apofile ?ohn, a John 3.5. maketh the obfervationofGods Commandments .a fign that we are in (.brill, therefore weare in Chrifi before by faith ; and thus in ail the Promifes, where a Chriflian loaden with fin is invited ro Chrift, there is not required a I{nowledgeor Certaintyofwhat condition he is in, Whether his gracesbe trite or no, but only out ofthe fenceand feeling of hisown unmoor- thinefsto apprehend (hrift. It is therefore a falfhood to preach thus, Thou maieff not relie uponCbrifl for Juflification, till thou haft certainty and evidence in thy heart, whether grace betruly in thee or no ? for theScripture makes them hleffed that hanger and thir}t, that mourn, and cals thofe that are burdened, and they Jhall have eafe, although they may not have certainty of the work of grace at that time. This therefore is diligently to be attended unto, becaufe it cannot be denied but at this Rocke many a tender Chriflian plits himfelf. Nor fecondly is theQireftion, Whether agodly than infad temptatioor , having no light at all, fäould then mab,eJeareh for the motions and Workings of grace in has foul?for that wouldbreed further fears and uncertainties.The foul in temptations being like themuddiedwater, wherenothing canbe clearly reprefenred, and as in the nightthe imagination is prone to reprefent nothing but objeas of fear'atid terrors ; fo is the heart apt to do in rhofe defolations : Hence David in fuch exi- G a gences