Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

64 of Effeïtual Calling. S s c T. XII. fe 2. VJe z. Of Terror and Woe to thole called perfons,' who deride, oppofe pod malice hohneffe : Oh that the earth fhould bear; and the Sunne Thine upon fuch incarnatedevils I Wherefoever there is the power of holineffe, there all theirvenom is vented ; Whowouldthink that men called by fo holy a God, fhould deride holineffe? That menconvinced by an. holy Spirit, fhould mock at holineffe? That men who read anholy Bible, who have an holy profelfion, fhould thusbe turned into Serpents,-and nomen ? This is not to beholy as God is holy, but malicious and envious asthe devil is. 0fe 3. 3. Of Exhortation to you who are indeed holy for the main, grow in this, be moreyuickned in it. The Apoftle (peaks to thefe that were already holy. Holineffe is a large field, an high hill, thou art but at the very bottom. alas, how much ftronger mightthy faith be?How much more mortified might thyaf- feftions be ? is holineffe fumble, connatural, confiant and permanent in thee? and certainly this is more to be looked at, then all outward mercies, riches, ho,, nours, earthly greatneffe; for this onely path the promífe of etetnal life, and this prefent life. Thou mayeft be rich, but damned ; wife and learned, but damned ; but not holy and damned : Oh there is no comfortable living an hour, a moment without this holineile 1 And then to incteafe and preferve tC : Firft, Cherifh and entertain the holy Spirit, this is peculiarly called holy, be- caufe it works holineffe ; grieve it not then by committing known fins, or by la- zyand fluggifh walking. Secondly, Prize the Ordinances, the Miniftery and preaching of theWord ; men grow loofe and coldwhen they leave this fire. Thirdly, Confider the nature of holineffe is tech, that the more we have,the. more hunger and chirp there fhould beafter it. 110634 Q"D15R Q 24 2%Q1'ae d Q 54 " J04 4 SERMON CX V . Of the glorious Hílate of the Saints in Heaven to which god cals all /inners repenting andbe. lieving. z Pa T. 5. to. The God of all grace, who bath called to into his eternal glory by Ghrill lefus, &c. THe Apoftle Peter concludeshis Epiftle with aPetition in this verfe, and a doxology in the next. In thePetition we have thefe parts : Firft, The Objeft towhom this Petition is addreffed, viz. Gad, 'de- fcribed by a glorious property futable to thematter of the prayer, The God of allgrace ; he was to pray for grace, and therefore mentionetb the foun- tainofgrace. This is ofgreat cenfolatión, the peopleof God want more and more