S a c T.X I I. ofEffeçltial Calling. 665 mere grace, and God is cloathedwithallfufftciency: ifyou want it, you know where tobe fupplied. Secondly, God is defcribed by a gracious effect of this grace, Who hash called us : This fountain was not fealed up, but d:ffufeth it Pelf. Theterm to which, of this grace defcribed in its nature to be Glory. Belie- versfhould lift up their headsat the very hearingofthis: and there is the adjunct of it, eternalglory. Fourthly, There is the meritoriouscaufe of thisgrace, ByChrfl 'elms. Fifthly, The matterprayed for, which is in theaccumulation of many words together, Make,youpefell, flablifh, flrengthen, fettleyou. Somedo curioufly enquire after a difference between everyone of thefe : but I take them to be nothing but the vehement and holy Oratory of .Paul affectionately exprelïing himfelfin his prayer for them, and they are molt of them metaphorical words from the Artificer, who is careful to fettle andettablifh his building. Now by, the matter prayed for, viz. furtherperfefbonand effablifhment in grace, we may feeeven the belt godly men, do need further addition and ffrengthning in grace. As he cried out, O menenquam fapienrem, fo mayeft thou, Ome nunguam plum, [till there is a further degree ineverygrace tobe obtained. There is im- perfedioo, and theremutt be continual correfling; but this is not the matter I intend, 1come therefore to my purpofedfubjed in this Text; and that is the term to which, of Gods graciouseffeft mentionedin the Text, Who both called to toeternalglory ; That Which theeye bath not Teen, nor bath it entered into the bears of man to conceive ; that we are now to treat of, or rather to ftammer about, viz. that infinite and everlafting glory which Godcals wretched (inners, but repenting and believingunto. He bath called us into it : This theweth how clofeand intimate that fruition is we have of this glory. It may never trouble a man to part with his beloved lufts and fins, which are but for a moment, for this eternal glory; it is to part with dirt and dung to have gold and precious (hones. For the further opening of this you mutt know there is a two-fold end of Godscalling us, the near and proxim one, and that is, Repentance and Faith : So thefiat thingGodcalswicked and finful men unto, is truly to repent of their finne, and ftedfaftly to believe inhim ; But fecondly, There is the remote and further end, which is Salvation and Eternal Glory. Of this we are to (peak at this time. God cals frnners repenting andbelieving, to no left then infinite and eternal Obferv¢ Glory. This point certainlymay much aged you; for did the Devil think by fhow- ing the gloryof the world to tempt Chrift to worshiphim ? and [hall not weby thedifeoveryofthis heavenly glory, makeyou fall down andworfhip, andobey Godwho bathpromifed to give this unto all thofe that do fo to him ? Thereis a parallel place,ITheft: z. rz.Who bath called oss o unto hiskingdom andglory.Whárun- fpeakable condefcention is this,that God [hould takeus,and put us into a commu- nion with him ofkingdom and glory, to fetus upon thrones next to Chrift and him,yet theScripture doth frequently infft on this glory that God intends to put on thofethatobey his calhng.To open this,ifthey were fo many dayes to purify andprepare themfelvesfor hearing the Law, which was a miniffration of death, and there was fuck glory on Mofes his face inthe deliveringofit,that thepeople could not fiedfaftly behold him : Certainly there ought to be more cleanling andpreparingof the foul to receive the Doctrine of this Gofpel -glory. We can only thew you the back_. parts of it, for we cannot comprehend it in all its fulneffe, nomore thena little[hell canholdthe Ocean. We (hall flrff (peak of the Nature of this Glory, and then the Properties. And The nature Fira, TheNoture of itis_Then indifcoveringthe objefirebe enjoyed 47 Us to all (",may, qq eter- f,