E66 ofVainest Calling. S c r. XII. eternity, and that it Godhimfelf, the perfetá, ueeiverfal and fufcient good. Our glory is in this, that we enjoy God w all eternity, who is the tnexhauffed feaof all heavenly happineffe. See how Daviddoth triumph in thatenjoyment he bath of God in this life, whichyet is but the duller of grapes to that heavenly Ca- naan. Wham bave I in heavenbut thee, and Whom in earth but thee ? Pfal93.2$. And in other places, The Lordit my portionandmy inheritance. So then, if God enjoyed by faith do give fogreat a bleffednefs to thefoul in this life, howmuch more whenhe is enjoyed by immediate vifion ? This the Scripture cals, Seeing of God face toface, r Cora 3.5a. So then, herein lieth this nnfpeakableglory, that whatfoever goodneffe, excellency, fulneffe and bleffedneffe is in God,the fame is communicatedunto theglorified Saint according to its capacity. D,us meua e omnia , faid be : but this will be much more in Heaven, where not on- ly our finful, but our animal lives will beended; Thenfball We be With the Lord for ever, faid Paul, that is fpoken, as the compleat perte lionof all happineffe. 2. Secondly, Thisglory Which may becalledformalerfubjettive, as the former ob- jeilive, lietb in the intelleaaiveand affetlive part of a manclofmg With, and enjoying of God. When we fay we are made gloriousby enjoying of God, the meaning is,the intelleetive and affel ive parts of the foul are wholly fixed upon him to their utmofl defire and capacity; for theglory of a man mull confift in his ra- tional part, his underffanding, will and affeetions, which are the beh faculties, Of knowledge muff beunited to the bell good, in the bell manner. And in I:knowl 1 irft, For the intelletìnal or knowing part ofaman, itsplain therecan be nothing of this happineffe, if that be not prefent.. For asof anunknown thing there canbe no defire, fo neither any love or delight: and the more clear and intuitive this knowledge is, the more is our glory. Now theScripture fpeaks, that we (hall then fee bins face toface, not as in aginfe, t Cor. 1 3.1 z. Wefall knowhim even as. We areknown of hint; and our glory is expreffed in this phrafe To fee God. So then, hereinwill our bleffedneffe and glory be, that we Ihall fully and clearly know and behold all the excellency that is in God, all the objeêls and motives of love anddelight. That as the bodily eye defcrying the pulchritude of a fen- fible objeét, prefently kindles love in the heart, Vt vidi perii; So it is here; The foul ofa man glorified, beholding all the admirable lovelineffe and excel- lency inGod, that holy and purenature of his, thofe graciousand free ails of his love to us, is hereupon let on fire, and made glorious ; That which theApo - file prayeth for us here to attain, will then be compleated, To knot' the breadth,. and length, and depth ofthe love of Chrifl fefut, Ephef3.t 8. Again, This glory Beth inthe affehlive part ofthe foul, whereby it takes in- finite complacency and delight in God, who is thus made known; and certain- ly, if good be theobjeet of the will and love, then God being infinitely, uni- verfally and inan unlimitedmanner good ; thewill and affedtionsofa man muff needsbe drawnout to thefull. 3. Thirdly, That the foalof aman can thusglorioufly enjoy God, its necefary that all the filth and leathforne fpots offinite fbonld be Wholly cleanfed away : For as long as there is any relique of this noifomneffe, as it is not fit or futable for fuch a glorious objeet, as God is ; fo neither bath it compleat and full glory it fell. The blond of Chrift was flied, thatwe might be withoutfpot or wrin- kle,-or any Inch thing; but this lovelineffe cannot be obtained in this life. Its true, Chriff in thofe fpiritual Songs of Solomon, cals his Church Hú Love, his Fair , his undefiled one , that A. is altogether Lovely , but that is meerly becaufeof the lovely Ornaments, and Excellency Chriff put upon Her. But in Heaven this Lovelineffe will be inherent, fhe will have all this Glory ineàiflent, not imputed: Oh then what Tongue can expreffe the gloriouf- neffe of fuch a condition, when there (hall not be the leafi imperfehlion,' or ádeft in thy Grace, thyLoveperfeßLove, thy Delight in God a full and per- fell Delight( Pena in Heaven dochno longer complain, Whoa dwyuld gogood, evil