S ae T. XII. of Eifel'nel Calltlto. base evil to prefent With me, Rom.y. No, his heart isas godly and as holy ás he can delire. This then is the glory that thecalled ones of God fhouldbreath after; whenwill the timecome that all my fpots and blemifhes will be done away I am as yet afhamed to fee fo much droffe and filth in my felf ; I blufh becaufe of my nakedneffe ; but the day is coming, when all things that are impeded will be done away. This fhould exceedingly fupport them for the prefent in their conflifts and combares with linne: Oh what fhaff they doe I Their heartsfuffer violence within them, they are loathfome beafts in'their own eyes; they doenot love to fee themfelves in the pure Glaffe of Gods Word. Well, comfort thy felf, the time is coming,'thyGraces will be made perfeft, thy Soul will beglorified with all fulneffe, not the leali fpot or Me:- mith in it. Fourthly , This Glory Will be in the eitla,-?ing and entendinn of dii the fa_ 9' culties of the Soul to partake of Gott : For God being infinite, and the Soul of alimited and finite Nature, bath no proportion till God, raife and elevase it up to that which of it felf it could not doe. Hence the very Soul of an Infant dying a member of II hrift , and glorified in Heaven; is firetch- ed out to an a.tual capacity for the full enjoying of God. The Apoftle Hebe. ea. calls them The fpirits of joy4 men made perfefl. So that God doth widenand enlarge,che Soul ofa man, whereby it doth partakeof God, and bath communion with himin a more powerful and tranfcendentmanner,thenof it fell it could have. Fifthly, This Glory doth not only flay on the Soul, hot reacheth to the bo- d' alfo. Which the Scripturer Cer.ry. and inother places doth often fpeak of, Our vile bodies fball be made glorious bodies; That as the Artificer by his Art out ofearth can make curious and refplendent glaffes, fo God much more out of the dull of our bodies, will make immortal, incorruptible and even fpiritual bodies, as the Apoftle cals them. The glory of our bodies is, Fink in the perfecítion of them; all the Defeds, Imperfeltions, Deformities' will thenbe quite removed. Secondly, In impaffibility, there will be no pains, noDifeafes, nobodily Grief, no Paffionfrom, or reefing of, anyoffenfive ob- jelt. Thirdly, In Immortality, it willbe no moremortal, no more fubjelt rd fears andpains of Death. And lalily, In Agility, in quick Motions, We fha/I be fnatchodup into the Clouds, and be there With the Lord for ever: Oh who can believe that this vile houfeof clay (hall ever be made fuch a goldenPalace.I who canever think that fo much glory thould be put upon fuch veffelsofdifho- hour and infirmities ? Sixthly, This Glory is not costly than real and inherent, but it -is elfö manife- fled and revealed Glory in the eyes of others ; For Glory is properly illufl-ï & Clara notitia, the knowledge and favour of an excellency, the manifeltati- on of it to others ; and thus the gloryof called perlons will be a known mani- fefledGlory. It will be teen by theeyesof the whole world, Godwill put the' Robes andCrownof Gloryupon them, in the midit of all perlons at the Day of Judgement ; Lo ehefe are theperfons whom I have thus honoured; the An- gels they will bear witnefsof it; The Devils and wicked men condemned, they (hall fee hand path their teeth. Thofemen whom we fcorried, derided, op- poled, how BothGod honour them ? So then, God will hereafter put loch vifible glory upon his people, that all the world (hall be witneffes of it; ifs yet it doth not appear, faith the Apollle, r fogy: 3. a, lost itlhall be made maxi_ fell That as precious jewelshave that naturally which covers theirexcellency¡ and the choice gold lieth in the earth, and at firft fheweth not its full fun re, till by Art made for So the godly whointhis prefent lifeare defpicable and'un- comely` by their weakneffes, by their afflidtions, by the outward memneffr of their Condition-, Will have all there rags pulled off and the Q:lgq z daÿ